
October 2, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 5


There will be no school Oct. 18-20 as teachers will be attending training.

Parent Teacher conferences will be Oct. 25-27 with school dismissing at Noon all 3 days for grades Y5-8.  Teachers will send a sign up form for conferences.

Childcare for grades K-8 is available for students through our Extended Day Enrichment Program during these non-school times.  If you need care and your student is not already enrolled, the application is on the website here:

Auction Tickets

The reduced rate for school families is offered through October 13. 

This form includes the sign up for childcare.  If you have already purchased tickets, but need to sign up for childcare during the event, you can use this form.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep

Costco Pizza

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Harvest Carnival

The Harvest Carnival is this Friday.  You can pre-order tickets with the form link below or purchase them at the door. 

There are still slots available to sign up to help for PIP hours.  Please use this link to sign up: 

Scholastic Book Fair

The book fair will be open during both recesses and after school (Wed-Fri) as well as during the Harvest Carnival on Friday.  You may visit our scholastic website to preview books, purchase online, and put money on your student's account using the e-wallet system. 

Payments for items in the book fair can be cash, check, e-wallet, or credit card.  Checks are made payable to St. Paul's.

School Picture Day

Individual school picture day is coming up on Monday October 16.  Photo packages can be ordered online through Parsons.  All students in grades PS-8th grade will be photographed for school records and yearbooks even if a package is not purchased. 

“Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”  - Matthew 10:39