
September 25, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 4

Pastor’s Breakfast & Chapel

Wednesday morning at 9am we will be having an outdoor chapel with muffins/donuts, fruit and drinks along with local Pastors that have been invited to join us.  Please have ALL students wear their navy blue chapel polo shirt and uniform dress that day.

Family Photos

If you need a new sign up form, it can be found on the school website.  Sign ups are due by September 26. 

Auction Tickets

Order forms for school families are being sent home with students today.  If you need another copy, you can find one on the school website. 

This form includes the sign up for childcare.  If you have already purchased tickets, but need to sign up for childcare during the event, you can use this form.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep

Chicken Nuggets

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

PIP Hours

As you complete activities for school please be sure to record your hours on one of the pink PIP forms.  We will be able to record PIP hours in Facts in the future, but until then please continue to manually record them.  The forms are on clip boards on the wall inside the school entrance, in the childcare, and outside the PK/Kindergarten rooms upstairs in the hallway.

Harvest Carnival

Ticket order forms were sent home with students.  If you need another copy, you can find one on the school website.  Save money by pre-ordering your tickets. 

PIP Opportunities

There are still opportunities available for the these upcoming events:

1. The Pastor Breakfast (Sept. 27) 

2. The Scholastic Book Fair (Oct. 3, 4-6) 

3. The Harvest Carnival (Oct. 6) 

Scholastic Book Fair

As we prepare to set up the book fair onsite next week, you may look at previews, order online, and/or add money to your e-wallet account on our school fair page: 

Once again, Scholastic is offering the e-wallet account where you can pre-load book fair spending money on an account for your student(s).  Be sure to share this with out of town family and friends!

“Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.  But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”   - 1 John 3:2