
February 10,  2025 Trimester 2,  Issue 9

Good luck to our 6th-8th grade Prep school students as they participate in the Lutheran Elementary Schools Tournament (LEST) at the end of this week!

Valentine's Day Cookie-Grams

For those that purchased Cookie Grams, they will be distributed on Thursday for you to take home so they are ready for Valentine's Day.

Open House Feb. 27, 6-7pm

Our annual open house is an opportunity for new families to visit our school for possible fall enrollment.  You can earn 1 PIP hour for each family that has a possible student enrollment that you bring to the open house.  Current families are also welcome to visit other grades and classrooms to view curriculum or ask questions.

Dr. Seuss Day - March 1 - PIP Opportunity

This is a fun day for students in PK, Y5, & K.  Volunteers from families with students in any grade are needed for the many activities.  For more information or to sign up to help, contact Mrs. Bryant.   

Hot Lunch Friday: Kinder - 9th

Costco Hotdogs

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

2025-26 Enrollment & Re-enrollment

Once FACTS makes the updates for the new payment options listed below, we will open re-enrollment for current students.  An email will be sent by FACTS and from the school office to let you know when it is open.

You can view the full rate schedule for

2025-26 here.

The school board is offering a three payment options starting next school year.


 Please watch your email for your reenrollment link.  Siblings of current families that will be entering school for the first time AND currently enrolled childcare students are also able to register at the same time.  Register siblings through the enrollment link in the Parent Portal.  Please be sure to choose the right school year.

New student registration opens on March 1.

Cereal Boxes

The prep school has enough boxes now.  Thank you to everyone that sent some.

“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.”  - Hebrews 1:14