
October 30, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 9

Grand Auction

We look forward to seeing you all this Saturday Nov. 4 at the Grand Auction!   There are still tickets available if you have not yet purchased them.  If you would like to use Venmo,

Our Fundraising Venmo account is St_Pauls

Please include your name, number of tickets or childcare spots, and a phone number in the message line of the Venmo transaction. 

If you would like to help set up or at the auction, email auction@stpaulslutheranschool to find out how to sign up.

Cookie Dough

Everyone should have received their fundraiser packets that were sent home with students.  Orders are due by November 7th to ensure that we receive them before Christmas.

If you have any questions please contact Laura Bromiley (509-929-0287) or Stasha Reed (509-860-4137)

Thank you so much for your help!

PIP Hours

The PIP hour report you were given at conferences was an update as to what had been recorded as of Oct. 24.  If you have done hours, but have not written them all down, please be sure to do so.  There are still events to help with upcoming in November.  The first trimester ends on December 1.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep


Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Veteran’s Day Chapel

Our school will be having a Veteran’s Day Chapel on Wednesday Nov. 8 at 8:40am.  Veterans that would like to attend are welcome to join us and

are invited to stay for refreshments afterwards.  Families are also welcome to bring in or email in photos of active duty service members or Veterans for our display (please include names).  We also ask that you do not send in originals or framed photos (we can make a copy) for safety purposes. Email photos to or

“Be a Difference Maker”

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

Aligning with our mission statement we encourage our students to engage in serving and learn the joy of showing love to others.  While we practice this in school, we invite families to join as well.  This is the topic of fall first Principal’s Challenge.  

 Rules of the Challenge:

Between now and November 30th find a way to make a difference in someone’s life or in your community.

Your activity may be anything small or big!  It may be your own idea or you may join in with others for a service project.

Complete the “Difference Maker Form” and turn it into Mrs. Breidert.

Include a picture or drawing of you making a difference.

Families are encouraged to work together.  Siblings may complete one form & send one picture.

 At the end of the challenge our K-8 students will celebrate with an ice cream sundae party!  All students will receive a scoop of ice cream & whipped cream.  Students who successfully completed the requirements of the challenge will also receive two extra sundae toppings from a sundae bar!

 ECE students will celebrate as a class with a special treat during snack time!

The form to fill out can be found online here: 

Questions?  Call the office or contact Mrs. Breidert @

“Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.”   - Psalm 118:19