
October 23, 2023 Trimester 1  Issue 8

Auction Tickets

There is still time to purchase tickets and sign up for childcare. 

Tickets and auction night childcare may be purchased with cash, check, or by Venmo.  

Our Fundraising Venmo account is St_Pauls

Please include your name, number of tickets or childcare spots, and a phone number in the message line of the Venmo transaction.   

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We look forward to seeing you at conferences this week.  Please remember that K-8 dismisses at noon W/Th/F.  Afterschool care is still available until 6pm.  If you child is staying for aftercare, please remember to send a lunch.  All students will have snack time so please remember to send one.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep


Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

PTL Fundraisers

Thank you to the PTL and everyone involved with all of the fundraisers so far this year.  The proceeds from these fundraisers help support our students in many ways.  Field trips, ski day, playground needs, speakers/visitors, and support for our special school days just to name a few.  We appreciate our PTL and everyone that participates in the support of our school.

Cookie Dough

Our big fundraiser starts today! Our goal is to raise $15,000.00 To help pay for field trips, student events and classroom supplies.

We are asking ALL parents to pre-register their student(s) here:

Please get at least one person to support our fundraiser before our official kick-off day. Any student that is registered and gets 10 shares clicked will be entered into a drawing for over $100,000 worth of prizes. How cool would it be if we took a chunk out of our goal BEFORE the fundraiser even starts?

If you have any questions please contact Laura Bromiley (509-929-0287) or Stasha Reed (509-860-4137)

Thank you so much for your help!

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work.  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.” - 1 Chronicles 28:20