
January 22, 2024 Trimester 2  Issue 6

Friday Lunch

PTL is sponsoring lunch on Friday for all elementary and prep school students free of charge (please remember to send a snack).  We will be having a breakfast-lunch of pancakes and sausage.  If your student will not be participating, please remember to send a lunch.  


PIP Hour Recording

The online recording of PIP hours is now open through the Family Portal in FACTS. Once in the portal, click on Family, Family Home and you should see an area called Service Hours.  Click on the add+ button and you can enter the events that you have participated in. Contact the school office with any questions.

Hot Lunch Friday - Elementary/Prep

Pancakes & Sausage

Orders Due by Wednesday

Coming Events

Cereal Boxes

Our Prep students are collecting cereal boxes for a project.  If you could please send in any empty boxes to school it would be greatly appreciated.

National Lutheran Schools Week

Here is a reminder of the dress up days and donations.

Mon - Connected to Christ

Dress: Pajama Day

Donation: Bar of Soap

Tues - Connected to the Father

Dress: Western Day

Donation: Hair Brush or Comb

Wed- Connected to the Spirit

Dress: Chapel Clothes with Hat Day

Donation: Toothbrush

Thur - Connected to the Church

Dress: Backward Day

Donation: Small Toothpaste

Fri - Connected to His Commission 

Dress: House Color (K-8) *see below

PK-green     Y5 - orange

Donation: Small Shampoo

*Veritas - green and/or brown, Soteria- yellow and/or black

 Gerechtigkeit-purple and/or white,  Fides - red and/or pink

  If your student does not know what house, ask your  

  teacher or the school office.

If your student does not want to participate in any of the dress-up activities, wear normal uniform dress.  Dress-up clothes must fall within the non-uniform dress code.

Do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart.”  - 1 Samuel 12:20