4th Grade 

Class Page 

Mrs. Huie's 4th Grade Class Page 

Important Dates: 
October 13- 4th grade sings at the 8am church service
October 14-18; Spirit Week 
October 18th- End of 1st Quarter, Fall Fest 
October 23rd-Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 24th-Parent/Teacher Conferences, Dismiss at noon
October 25th-No School 
October 27- Fall Fest
November 4th and 5th- No School 

How to contact me: please call me (school 754-4471 ext. 202) or message me on Class Dojo. I will be using Class Dojo throughout the year in the classroom as a way for you to connect with me and for classroom management.  If you are not already signed up, please email me at khuie@stpaulsjanesville.com and I will help you. 

Homework: Fourth graders will use an assignment book to record daily homework assignments. Parents/guardians are expected to sign the bottom of each page nightly to acknowledge review of assignments. Students will bring their assignment books and all graded work or other papers home daily.

Accelerated Reader: Each quarter I will give each child goals to be met in the accelerated reader program. These goals depend on the child’s ability and since every child is different, every child will have a different goal.  The classroom goals will be different from the library goal. In order to go out to lunch with the librarian in May the goal for the year is 200 points. 

These goals will prepare students for when they get to 5th-8th when AR will count as a part of their reading grade.  

Flash Cards: Every Thursday/Friday your child will be tested on the math flashcards they were given the week before. Please make sure to be working on them throughout the week. Your child will not move on to the next set of cards until they master the previous set. 

Scholastic Book Orders

Please use this link to order your book order. When doing this you will be helping our class earn books for the classroom! 
