Hello! Haƞ! Haye! Hola!

I am your 3rd grade teacher Ms. Thorpe!


Snow Day: January 5, 2023

  • Thursday, January 5 will be another snow day. For students that have their iPads there will be assignments posted in Seesaw.

  • There will be 2 Google Meets tomorrow at 9:00am & 1:00pm for students that have a device.

  • The meet code is 4rthor

  • Students will again be marked as present in attendance.

our current schedule below

7:15-7:45 Arrival & Breakfast

7:45-8:00 Morning Meeting

8:00-9:30 Reading/Skills

9:30-10:00 Recess

10:00-10:50 Specialist

10:50-11:20 Read Aloud

11:20-11:50 Lunch

11:50-1:05 Math

1:05-1:50 Writing

1:55-2:00 Dismissal

classroom Expectations

  1. Listen & Participate.

  2. Be respectful of people and materials.

  3. Be where you need to be.

  4. Ask for help when you need it.

  5. Complete all your work, everyday.

  6. Always try your best and do quality work.

Greetings 4 Seasons Families!

I am one of the 3rd grade teachers at 4 Seasons Elementary. I have more than 17 years experience in education in grades K-8 and I have served as a Literacy Coach and Specialist. I graduated with a BA degree in Elementary Education in 1999 and a MS in Reading and Literacy in 2010.

I am married and I have 1 child in high school and 2 that graduated high school. We have 3 cats (Frodo, Samwise, and Kiki).

I am excited to join 4 Season elementary's wonderful staff & students!

Contact Me

Rachelle Thorpe:

call/text: (612) 440-0771