

1.  Students earn one credit per quarter for each course; courses are scheduled on a semester or year long basis (i.e. English 9 = 4 credits for 1 year) with the exception of Crew.  Crew  is .25 credits per quarter.  Students may earn a total of 33 credits per school year including advisory. 

2. Students must earn a total of 86 credits for graduation.  The 86 credits must include the MN state graduation requirements. 

3.  After a student has failed a given course, the student may not repeat that course for credit during the Online High School school day. Credit recovery can be done in Extended Day Learning, Evening High School and summer school.

4.  An “NP” is a failed course and no credit is earned.  

Grading System and Honor Roll 

Saint Paul Public Schools uses both a 4.0 unweighted grading system for standard classes and a 5.0 weighted grading system for Honor classes. Honor classes use a weighted grading system: 1.25 times the standard Grade Point Average (GPA):  e.g., the GPA for an “A” mark is 4.0 x 1.25 = 5.0 a “B” mark is 3.0 x 1.25 = 3.75, etc.  Standard classes use a 12-point grading scale:   

4.0 Unweighted GPA Grading System A+ = 4.0 

A = 4.0  

A- = 3.7 

B+ = 3.3 

B = 3.0  

B- = 2.7 

C+ = 2.3 

C = 2.0  

C- = 1.7 

D+ = 1.3 

D = 1.0 

D- = 0.7

NP = 0

Class Ranking and Honors 

Class rankings and the honor-point averages for members of the senior class shall NOT be made public. This shall apply to school newspapers, yearbooks, public announcements, and public news media. In addition, no valedictorian or salutatorian shall be named.

Students will be recognized for academic achievement based on the Latin Honor system, using their weighted GPA.  


The transcript is a legal and technical document that records a student’s grades and credits earned.  Transcripts received from an accredited program will be accepted and data recorded on the student’s Saint Paul Public School (SPPS) transcript.  Grades and credits cannot be changed unless a revised transcript is received from the original accredited program.  PSEO (Post-Secondary Enrollment Options), advanced academic credit, home school, and out-of-district transfers are examples of appropriate documents.  When considering a transfer document, all grades and credits that can be applied to a student’s record will be included without exception.  

Online High School Grading/Assessment Policy 

(effective: SY 2022-2023) 

Late Work

OHS holds the following expectations regarding the acceptance and scoring of late work: 

Student Role and Responsibility: 

• Students are accountable for their effort and commitment to learning and will strive to produce quality work. 

• Students will make every effort to meet deadlines. 

• Students will communicate with teachers regarding submission of late work. 

Teacher Role and Responsibility: 

• Teachers will accept late work, eligible for full credit until the summative due date, as long as students have met their responsibilities described above. 

• Teachers will work with students to foster the development of self-advocacy skills. 

• Teachers will work with their colleagues to ensure that students in different sections of the same course are offered similar opportunities and are held to the same standard. 


OHS holds the following expectations regarding students’ ability to retake assessments: 

Student Role and Responsibility: 

• Students will communicate with teachers regarding opportunities to retake an assessment. 

• Students are accountable for meeting the teacher-communicated conditions under which retakes are permitted. 

Teacher Role and Responsibility: 

• Teachers will create and communicate to students clear guidelines regarding the conditions and any requirements for retakes. 

• Teachers will be consistent and reach consensus with others who teach the same course regarding student requirements and conditions for retakes. 

Summative/Formative Work 

At OHS, teachers will reach consensus to determine what work in a given course is “summative” and what work is “formative” and is defined as follows: 

• Formative (20%) = work that includes pre-assessment, practice, and ongoing checks for understanding. Its purpose is to help students learn and to guide teacher instruction. 

• Summative (80%) = work that takes place after the learning experiences have occurred. Its purpose is to evaluate and report how well students have met learning goals. 

OHS Grading Scale: 

Letter Grade

Letter Grade % Range 

























