Special Education

Course Descriptions



The following list represents the course offerings in Specialized Programs. Additional offerings include co-taught classes with subject area teachers and special education teachers sharing classroom duties in a combined regular education and special education setting.  See English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies for a list of course offerings.  Due to the individualization of the courses, these are general course descriptions. Course content will vary according to the individual students and the decisions made by the IEP team and/or case manager. Please consult with your team and/or case manager when preparing your registration schedule. 


Reading Standards 

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: Reading Standards is an intensive reading intervention, which spans the course of two years, that focuses on developing metacognitive skills, vocabulary acquisition skills, and high impact reading comprehension strategies taught in a systematic, sequential manner (establish the course, prediction, possible selves, bridging, strategy integration, summarization, and PASS).  This is a full-year supplementary course.


Math Strategies

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: This course covers number operations, measurement, geometry, algebra, and statistics/data analysis and probability.  Content has been aligned to the high school math standards and benchmarks.  Recommended: Instructor or case manager permission required.


Physical Science Standards

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: Physical Science Concepts is a year-long course that covers basic physics and chemistry concepts while learning the skills of science and engineering. Students will learn about atomic structure, chemical reactions, energy transformations, forces and motion. These concepts are used to investigate changes in earth and space systems over time including geology, meteorology and astronomy. Students use observations, laboratory investigations, and problem solving to analyze and understand the science of everyday phenomena.


Biology Concepts

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: Biology concepts is a year long course that studies living things and how they interact with each other. Students will learn about the chemistry of life, cells, genetics/DNA, evolution, ecology, and disease and human body systems while learning the skills of science and engineering. Students investigate various problems and study current issues through laboratory activities, scientific inquiry and projects and independent work.


Chemistry Concepts

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: Chemistry concepts is a year long course that covers basic high school chemistry concepts that help students understand how the universe works at the micro-level. Students will learn about chemical and physical properties, atomic structure, the periodic table, bonding, chemical reactions, (the Mole, stoichiometry, solutions, and kinetic molecular theory) while learning the skills of science and engineering.


World History Concepts

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: Students in World History pursue in-depth study of historical thinking skills and world history to equip them with the knowledge and skills required for success in postsecondary education (i.e., freshman level courses), the skilled workplace and civic life. The amount of content in the standards for World History corresponds to the course credit graduation requirements identified in Minn. Stat. § 120B.024.

(Minnesota Department of Education, Saint Paul Public Schools).


Physical Education/DAPE

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: Health and D/APE prepare all students to execute movement skills within a variety of activities and understand the importance of physical activity and health decision-making in ensuring a happy, healthy and productive lifestyle. D/APE is created for special education students and its purpose is to create adaptations for physical education so that all students may benefit from physical education classes.


Skills for College & Career Readiness 1

Course Length:  Two Semesters (Year Long)

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: This course prepares students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to improve their reading, writing, organizational, and collaborative skills. The objectives of the course are to teach the skills necessary for students with disabilities that will change their educational trajectories and improve the chance for both high school and post-secondary/career success. Students of color are over-represented in special education, and students in special education have inferior post-secondary outcomes compared with non-disabled peers. This course teaches the skills to change that predictable outcome.


Occupational Internship (Work Experience)

Course Length:  One or Two Semesters

Prerequisite: None 

Course Description: In this course, students will be involved in one of the following:  competitive employment, job shadowing, community service, apprenticeships, or internships. They will locate, apply, and interview to secure a career internship. Recommended: Instructor or case manager permission required.


Career Seminar

Course Length:  Quarters 1 & 2 or Quarters 3 & 4

Prerequisite:  Grade 12  

Course Description: The Career Seminar course is designed to assist students in making the transition from school to work. It emphasizes self awareness, social development, work adjustment, and employability skills training. Curriculum is designed so students attain the learner outcomes necessary for success in the world of work utilizing group paced and individualized approaches. Students will learn habits and behaviors related to job search and work; including communication strategies. Students will investigate and evaluate careers in relation to life goals, personal attributes, and daily living skills. Students will apply principles of personal and family resource management and informed decision making skills. They will learn necessary skills to work with people from diverse backgrounds. Recommended: Concurrent enrollment in Occupational Internship. Work coordinator will assist in finding jobs for students. Students will be serviced by a current Individual Education Plan (IEP) and receive services through Special Education.