Business Education


yfc-dagg-qfr (2024-02-29 15:24 GMT-6)


This course explores careers in marketing, sales, or small business operation, including opportunities in retail, wholesale, advertising, and other occupational fields using marketing principles. The central focus of the course is how the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer is impacted by marketing functions. Topics may include market research, the purchasing process, distribution systems, merchandising and promotion/display, sales, sales promotions, store security and theft control, store operation, business management, and entrepreneurship. Human relations and interpersonal skills, use of the internet and social media as marketing tools, and economics may be included. Job search and employability skills are an integral part of the course. 

Credits: 2

Grade Level: 10th, 11th, & 12th

zyc-rfbh-six (2024-02-29 15:06 GMT-6)

Business Law

Businesses operate in a society and world which have laws emanation from different governmental and judicial entities. The business law curriculum addresses laws affecting both businesses and families. In the litigation-oriented society we live in today, business law can fill a critical role on the development of all students. Business students, in particular, must have included in their academic preparation a basic foundation of the legal system.

Credits: 2

Grade Level: 10th, 11th, & 12th

Introduction to Business

This course will introduce students to the world of business and help prepare them for the roles of consumer, worker and citizen. The class will assist students in consumer decision-making, prepare for future employment, and help them effectively perform responsibilities as a citizen. This course will build a knowledge base for other business courses such as Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Finance, Management, and Banking and Credit. This class is a great way to get started learning how the business world works!

Credits: 2

Grade Level: 10th, 11th, & 12th

zyc-rfbh-six (2024-02-29 15:12 GMT-6)

Social Media Marketing

Students will learn successful marketing strategies using social media as an essential part of an integrated marketing strategy. Social media provides both a listening and outreach tool for promoting business, products and ideas. Social media ethics, legal issues and best practices will be covered. Various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn will be explored as well as careers and jobs in Social Media Marketing. Students will analyze contemporary social media cases and strategies and develop a comprehensive social media marketing plan. Other topics include target marketing on social web and rules of engagement.

Credits: 2

Grade Level: 10th, 11th, & 12th

PERSONAL Finance Management

This course is designed to give students the tools and personal finance terminology to effectively manage their financial resources. Topics of interest will include budgets, checking, savings, investments, credit, housing, taxes and insurance.

Credits: 2

Grade Level: 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th