What is AVID?

AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a class where students support each other academically, while striving to achieve college and/or career goals. AVID students commit to taking on increased academic expectations, like maintaining a daily planner, taking challenging classes, and engaging in the AVID tutorial process. They also receive increased support to help them to achieve their goals. In AVID, students push themselves to be the best they can be, knowing that to do so they need the support and encouragement of a strong academic community to get there.

Individual Determination

An ideal AVID student is someone who has what we call "individual determination"-- a drive to succeed--but knows that they need some help to reach their goals. Community and mutual support is at the center of what we do, but AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, because we know that each of us needs to push ourselves to succeed.

AVID is a Community

AVID is a place where students come together to build skills and get support that help in all of our other classes. It's where to get help with content that's confusing, reflect on academic progress, and set goals for the short and long term. Most importantly, AVID is a community where students support and encourage each other. In a lot of ways, AVID is like your "home base" at school!

College and Career

College and career readiness is a central focus of the AVID program. AVID students learn and do research about colleges and careers, as well as going on college visits.

Continue Through High School

Washington boasts a program for students in grades 6-12. In high school, AVID supports students through every stage of the college application process, finding and applying for scholarships, and provides that community support that is at the center of AVID.