
Religion Year Overview Curriculum Night

Year Overview

Reynolds Syllabus SS, Sc, Re



Dear Parents and 7th Grade Kiddos,

We are on the homestretch! I Cannot believe it!!!😆🌞⛱️

For Social Studies:

We will wrap up Ch. 12 Monday and Tuesday, and do an open book test Wednesday!  Tell the kids Not to stress; I will tell them as well.  This was a busy and fast upcoming end to the year so it won't be too difficult. I will provide page numbers with questions and hit the big nuggets only of the chapter for assessment.

The Focus - What led us to the Civil War?  Who are some important figures that courageously moved against slavery?

Trimester Ends on Wednesday.  

Thursday I am throwing the kids a party for diving deep into The Bulletproof George Washington Book and A Bonus Recess!

Friday we will do our last current event discussion!🥺🥰


Monday Bible Study:

Prudence: Proverbs 27:12 "The astute see an evil and hide; the naive continue on and pay the penalty."

"Prudence is the perfection of reason, or the perfection of the natural capacity of the soul to see reality as it is.  More than just a view of the physical reality around and about us, prudence sees the spiritual and relational reality around us."

I will be encouraging them to read more in the Bible 📗 this Summer. I recommend they do a deep dive reading / prayer journal in any of the following books of the Bible: Exodus, 1st Samuel, 1st Kings, Proverbs, Psalms, James, or 1 Peter and 2 Peter to let God do a work in them before they become Big 8th graders!🙏❤️‍🔥

We are focusing in the workbook on sacrament and prayer the remainder of the week.  There will be an open book group Assessment Wednesday.  They will be given page numbers in the workbook to focus on from the year.  No studying necessary.  This is just to reteach really main concepts from Spirit of Truth.

The last two and half days the following week will be very full and busy with fun activities:

 - Field Day 😎 - Talent Show 🎶, - packing up 🎒 - cleaning lockers 🫧 - etc. , Last Mass on the half day!🙏🫶🙌 

I have so enjoyed having your wonderful children as my 7th grade students!  I saw a lot of growth in their faith journey, their ability to annotate a text has matured, as well as their ability to have powerful and respectful discussions diving deep into a text and / or scripture!  I am really so very proud of them and wish you and your beautiful families the most wonderful, blessed Summer!  😍 I look forward to seeing you all in the 24-25 school year!  

God Bless You!


Mrs. Reynolds

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Thursday is always Discipleship!

Music Tied to Scripture Friday!  

💖 🙏

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