2023-2024 Year

Welcome To Team 6B

Welcome to the updated 6B website. The website is designed to communicate homework, team expectations, and important links for each content area. The site is part of the core subjects that include Math, ELA, Science, and SS. *Some students may have other teachers not listed below. Feel free to email if you have any questions. 

Teacher: Mrs. Horne

Room: 113

Subject: SS (Ancient History)

Contact: j_horne@stoughtonschools.org

Teacher: Mr. Donovan (1st trimester)

Teacher: Mrs. Donovan

Room: 114

Subject: Math

Contact: m_donovan@stoughtonschools.org

Teacher: Mrs. Iannaccone (Ms. McElligott)

Room: 116

Subject: ELA (English Language Arts)

Contact: l_mcelligott@stoughtonschools.org

Teacher: Mrs. Taylor

Room: 115

Subject: Science

Contact: r_taylor@stoughtonschools.org