September 26th, 2023:
Um, so I accidentally deleted the last entry, so here it is. (btw last entry was September 25th)
Today is Tuesday.
Nothing really happened, except when a kid found sea monkeys in his water in science.
That was cool
Okay, so today I'm doing this entry in science, and I'll do a second part when I'm done with school so yeah. The day has been pretty good, except I made a kid cry on accident. I tripped over him.
So, I kind of forgot. Luckily, nothing happened that day so I didn't need to make a second part.
September 28th, 2023:
So today, I accidentally left my chromebook at home so i'm making this entry on the youth center computers.
Anyways, I got the, "The diary of anne frank" at the school library so i'm going to read that.
And also at the youth center I played some volleyball and got some basketball tips from this one dude.
October 1st, 2023:
I don't really feel the greatest. I'm have a sniffly nose right now, and also I feel kind of depressed. The weekends make me feel depressed. I really don't want to go to school tomorrow.
October 4th, 2023:
So today there was this national alarm that happened and everyone thought it was gonna be loud as fuck but...
It honestly fucking SUCKED man.
Like, I'm not kidding. It was like Beep, beep, beep and that shit is supposed to be on full volume!!!!
So yeah it sucked. Bye!!!
October 19th, 2023:
So I met up with my social worker at school for the first time today. Did I mention I'm in middle school already? No, I haven't.
So yeah, I talked with her for a bit and I got to miss my whole ELA hour. It was nice. And also I got third place in a math Blooket today. And today was a half day so yeah, it was a good day.
October 21st, 2023:
So I've had this idea for a rhythm game for a while now. I think I might make it on Scratch, (Yes, that little website.) But I'm not that advanced in it so I'll probably have to look up tutorials and such.
Anyways, I've been watching tokaku videos all day and playing tetris and rhythm games and such. I think I like rhythm games, I don't know, is it just me? haha, I'm so funny.
October 25th, 2023:
So this friday there's going to be a school dance for halloween and all the food there is only going to be ONE dollar! It still seems a little overpriced to me, but whatever.
I don't really like school dances that much, but I'll be with my friends so it'll be fine. I really hope they play something else other than Ed Sheeran, but I doubt that'll happen.
October 26th, 2023:
A lot has happened throughout the month, because I have to move soon, halloween is coming up, yeahhhhhhh...
Also this is the first time i've done two entries back to back like this.
(Also technically yesterday was the anniversary but whatever...)
November 2nd, 2023:
It's been a week and one day since I have updated this blog, and that's a WHILEEEEEEEEEEEEE...
So Halloween happened and now it's the second quarter of school, and you wanna' know what got me reeeealy pissed off on Halloween? My "Friend" came over (I don't really like her that much) and I had to walk with her for Halloween instead of going with my family like I wanted to! It sucked balls, but on the plus side I got two full sized candy bars.
And this week was short because there's no school on friday, so yay!
November 10th, 2023:
So I made an art tournament yesterday and I got 11 people to join.
December 12th, 2023:
Woops, been a month since I've updated this. Well, I guess I forgot because school is so shit. So a quick recap of my life so far. That are tournament? Forgotten. Thanksgiving kinda sucked. I got my phone taken away for awhile cause I had bad grades. I've been speaking to this lady called Leah Chase about stuff. Christmas is coming up. There was a bomb threat at my school. I got a new coat. I am now sick and so is my baby sister, and my mom and dad. Not my five-year-old sister though, cause she was already sick a week or so ago. And I started re-watching the whole of Stranger Things. Also I hate my dad.
Right now I've been obsessed with Lego Fortnite (I know, I'm such an 11 year old) and also I kind of wish that people weren't that bad in middle school. I mean they aren't it's just that people have been occasionally been bullying me for my personal business and stuff. This stuff was kind of bad back in fourth grade, when people found out about something about me and they made really shitty jokes about me and talked behind my back. And also I made a new language today. I haven't made a name for it yet but I'm thinking like Yurlet or something.
Also it's been two months since this blog/diary/journal has been up. Yippie.
January 3rd, 2024:
Hi, it's been a pretty weird winter break. my birthday is in 36 days, and now I'm making a book. For christmas I got a speaker, a mouse, lego set, new controller, a Pink Floyd t-shirt and sweater, and some other stuff I can't think of right now.
Happy Late New Year!
January 5th, 2024
So, tomorrow I'm getting a ghost box which is basically a device that switches through radio stations really fast so that spirits can project their voice onto the device. Also I really like this gay ship called davesport. It's pretty cool.
January 6th, 2024
My spirit box came in the mail today! It's really cool, and I've tried doing the Estes method, and we've got some pretty good things. How the Estes method works is that you are sensory deprived of sight and sound, besides the audio coming in from the spirit box through the headphones, so that you can't hear anything that can sway you to perceive the audio differently. The questionnaire(s) ask the person with the headphones on, or rather the spirits communicating through the spirit box, questions. But anyways I tried a session and mom asked questions, and when she asked for a name I said Tom, which is pretty cool.
The spirit box also has a built in flashlight and temperature reader. It was 80 dollars.
January 21st, 2024:
Hello, this is Alex. It's been a while, and in that time I've been an album on my bandlab account @sk3le2on which had some really bad music. The album will be coming out on February 17th 2024, which is my birthday! I'm also starting on an EP called X3 and it'll have five songs in it. That'll come out April 4th 2024.
I'm also writing a book called Birthday Party which will be part of a three book series. The first book kinda takes inspiration from Stephen King's IT. Also in four days it'll be the fifth month anniversary of this site being up, Isn't that crazy!? (Birthday party has been canceled)
January 25th, 2024:
Today is the 5 month anniversary of having this site up, and also I'm sick with the 'VID. (covid)
I've been reading fan-fictions all day, and I had the smart idea of making my own fanfic site! I'm really sick right now so I can't stare at screens too long without having a headache, so I'll end this entry here.
February 4th, 2024:
What if Ninja got a low taper fade?
Anyways, it's my birth month and I've been thinking of things I want for my birthday. There's this plushie of my favorite character from my favorite object show and I asked to get that. My mom said yeah, if she has enough money. I'm also gonna get The Shining on Blu-Ray and also some Stephen king books. Btw from now on the entries will be the OG theme because I'm not really into Dayshift at Freddy's anymore.
February 6th, 2024:
Something crazy I found out today is that when my great-grandma was mayor of Stoughton, she had a secretary and that secretary had 50 gigabytes, on his work computer, of child p**n. THAT'S FAWKING WILD DUDE.
February 15th, 2024:
Hello, it's been a while and Valentines has passed. I'm sick right now lol, so I haven't been to school in three days. Anyways, check out these links:
I may be paranoid, but I'm no android... -Radiohead
February 18th, 2024:
Hello, my birthday was yesterday and I got all three Batman Arkham games, with all the DLC in a bundle, because the bundle was on sale for $8.99. Also, today I'm going to do my pinata which is cool.
Does this count as journaling for my genius hour thing? I'm assuming so, because this is like a journal and I keep track with it frequently (Well, I wouldn't say that frequently) and it's writing about your thoughts.
Doe's anybody feel like you think one thing is good, but once you show someone else it feels dumb? And then on-top of that, if you show your work to the wrong person they might think it's fucking stupid. My haircut looks good to me, until I haven't showered in like two days and it becomes flat so it looks gross, but when my hair isn't look like that I think it looks okay but then people say it's horrible and that my forehead is giant when their forehead is larger. Also, people are dumb because anybody who keeps to themselves and doesn't sell their secrets away and don't get involved in drama are "emo" or "weird" and I think there the weird ones that want to know everyone's biz.
One time I told someone about how my mom listens to electronic music, and some preppy bitch said, "Ooo, I'm sorry..." Like what the fuck do you mean? What's wrong with electronic music? It's probably more original than same white girl lyrics about going to a party with some brain rotting chorus and boring drum loop with some melody that loops fucking 100 times. (If you can't tell, I'm talking about Taylor Swift) Yall' should listen to They Might Be Giants, they're cool.
Also, what's up with straight men (Middle school boys) being obsessed with people who are homosexuals or lesbians or anything that's not someone who has a buzz cut and some cringy ass sweatshirt, and someone who's obsessed with Football or Soccer. And then the stupid white girls giggle anytime you pass by them because you look "emo" apparently. But what I was going to say is that one time I was the youth center in my town and I was playing basketball with some boys who go to my school (I like playing basketball because I like running around the gym) and we all took a break, and they asked me, "Why is your hair so long?" I replied with, "Because I like it long." They asked me, "Do you want to be a girl." Which is the dumbest shit in my life I've ever been asked. I replied with "No, I like being a male." They asked, "So your gay, who do you have a crush on?" I replied with, "First, I like boys and girls, and second, I don't really like anyone." They said, "There no way you don't like anyone else, it's probably that other gay kid." [His name is Isaak, and he's BI, and he has stated liking to me but I politely declined] I said, "It's not." Then they ignored me and started talking about cum and jacking off. People are weird.
Also, one thing I've noticed is that with most my crushes I forced myself to like someone I know so I didn't feel left out and had a crush so that I could tell people about because, "That's what people do!" But anyways, I've had four crushes and one "Relationship." The four crushes I had were forced because everyone else had a crush, so why don't I have one! And the one relationship was back in fourth grade with some girl named Crystal. She was nice, and the most we ever did was hold hands together. I wouldn't say I'm Asexual because I think some men are hot, and some women are hot too. Also one thing I think people mix with people being BI is that you prefer one gender over the other, like one of my good friend's who's also BI asked me, "What gender do you prefer more?" I answered, "What do you mean?" She said, "Like do you like men 60% and women 40% or something different." I explained to her that's not how bisexuality works and it's about how you can love whoever you want, and she kind of stopped talking to me about the topic.
I wonder how many people will see this? And how many grammar mistakes there are. If I become famous for these things will they make a book about it? I wonder how much the editor's are gonna have to edit. Oh, if this does become famous this is a note to the editors and everyone who would hypothetically work on the book, leave everything in don't scrap anything from these. Also if you scrap anything don't scrap anything in this part, and put this in the beginning of the book as a foreword or something. This whole paragraph, I mean it. Also tell Wes Anderson he's a really good director, Finn Wolfhard is a really good actor, They Might Be Giants is a really good band, and that my family is the best family I could ever have. Also the greatest movies I have watched are Asteroid City and Everything Everywhere All At Once. Also sorry for all the students who are forced to read this by your english teacher. Btw the editors should keep the swear words because they really add to the experience ;). Anyways, a toast to all the other little shits who relate to this hypothetical book that is my life.
This is Alex, and possibly my longest entry I've ever written. I could write longer honestly with all the shit that's gone down in my life. :3
February 19th, 2024:
No one in the world ever gets what they want, and that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad, and that is beautiful
They want what they're not, and I wish they would stop singing
D, world destruction
Over and overture
N, do I need apostrophe
T, need this torture?
Don't, don't, don't let's start.
This is the worst part.
February 22nd, 2024:
I made an email to everyone I could think of at the time of writing the email, and now i'm being made fun for it and being called a beggar and a wanna-be drake. (Which is strange, because my music is nothing in the style of Drake)
There is also a rumor spreading around where I jack off to men whimpering, and I just filled out a bullying and harassment due to two events that happened today. But how I found out about that rumor is in one gym class, some group of "popular" kids came up to me and said, "You jack off to men moaning?" And I denied that because it's not true, but they kept saying I probably do it anyways and that I'm lying. Then another day, one of the kids from that group is in my math class and I was listening to music, and they asked what I was listening too. I didn't want to share because they would probably think it's cringy or some shit. He walked off saying, "Whatever, it's probably men whimpering." Then today it was gym again, and there is this badminton tournament and me and my friends got out so they brought out the bleachers for the teams that got out so me and my friends were sitting in the middle of the bleachers. That group of kids were at the left side of the bleachers and they yelled, "Gay bitch!" at me.
So yeah, I'm being bullied or harassed I don't even know.
February 24th, 2024:
I don't like how I look. I don't like how my ribs pop out of my chest. I don't like how when I slouch, I have belly rolls. I don't like how my thighs are too thick. I don't like living in my body and I wish I could rip it off. From my head all the way down to my toes, I look fucking awful.
February 28th, 2024:
Yeah um I don't know why the title is a different colour, I think the theme is weird.
I made a new page called video diary and it's like these but with visuals and maybe a bit more/less boring. Also, the first video is like eighteen minutes long so... yeah. Anyways, I might be going to an online school.
March 2nd, 2024:
I'm doing online school now and I would say it's easier to deal with public school. The reason I went into online school is because I was suffering bullying and there was rumors about me. It's a lot easier to me because most of the lessons are just videos, and then you answer a few questions to see if you comprehend the material.
Also, I found this website that has a bunch of content of my favorite band, (Tally Hall) and the websites called tallyall and it has over 60 gigabytes of content on the website. There's this one video I really like to watch, it's a fanmade music video of a song called
Weird Bed &_ Or Yes Please.
Any ways here's the link.
April 18th, 2024:
Whoopsies, its been over a month since I last updated. Anyways, a lot has happened since March 2nd, such as online school which I stated last entry, my great-cousin Geralyn died and I went to her funeral, I started playing Rainbow Six Siege, and also I am currently making a lyric video for my favorite song, Gnaw by Alex G.
Below is a preview of the lyric video:
Hello, this was originally going to be made on April 6th, but I must've forgotten about it. Anyways, I've been working on school and stuff and it's been actual hell. I have like a million assignments late, but whatever, i'll try to get them done the week/weekend. Anyways, sorry i've been updating so infrequently, school sucks. I've been working on an album as well so that's something. I think it'll come out soon or something.