Updates (New and improved)

Updates: StickCityU

Oct. 19th, 2023:

Yeah sorry I kind forgot about this comic, I promise that I'll make the first issue in November, maybe around halloween.

Nov. 15th, 2023:

I promise it'll come out around thanksgiving week.

Updates: The (NOTHING) book


Yeah, I really haven't nailed a name on this book yet so I'm gonna call it the (NOTHING) book. And also I might be going back to the original idea I first wrote because why not. I honestly kinda liked writing it. (Also it might be cringy to anybody who reads it because yeah.)

Oct. 19th, 2023:

I can not, for the LIFE of me find a name for this book. Why is it so hard to find a name for a book?

Nov. 15th, 2023:

So work on the book... I kinda forgot about it, but i've started working on it again.

Site updates:

Oct. 19th, 2023:

The whole site was worked on for an hour and the whole set up has been overhauled.

Oct. 27th, 2023:

New game has been added to the IDK section.