
Lecture 1 - Introduction (pptx )

Introduction to the main topics of the class: detection methods, exoplanet populations, atmospheric characterization, formation, and habitability

Exoplanet detection methods: direct imaging and radial velocity (Doppler) methods

Exoplanet detection methods: transits / transit timing variations / Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, astrometry

Exoplanet detection methods: gravitational microlensing, projections for WFIRST

Definition of a planet, introduction to distribution of exoplanets in semi-major axis, planet mass, eccentricity

Exoplanet populations: frequency of resonant systems, misalignment from Rossiter-McLaughlin data, density / composition inferences

Notable exoplanet systems: HR 8799, TRAPPIST-1, Kepler 16b

Definition of orbital elements, Hill sphere, stability in 2 planet and richer multiple systems, resonances, chaos, Solar System stability

Exoplanet atmosphere characterization: transmission spectroscopy, atmospheric escape

Exoplanet atmosphere characterization: secondary eclipses and phase curves

Overview of the main phases of planet formation

Lecture 12 - Protoplanetary disks (pptx )

Protoplanetary disks: vertical structure, Minimum Mass Solar Nebula

Gravitational focusing, statistical ("particle in a box") growth rates of planets due to planetesimal accretion

Regimes of planetesimal-driven growth: orderly, runaway, and oligarchic growth

Terrestrial planet formation: isolation mass, simulations of final assembly, the "small Mars" problem, the Grand Tack model

Giant planet formation (core accretion), Kozai resonance, gas disk migration, planetesimal migration, the Nice Model

Introduction to planetary habitability, astrobiology

Lecture 18 - Habitable zone (pptx )

Theoretical and empirical habitable zone, carbonate-silicate cycle

Atmospheric biomarkers, history of Earth's oxygen abundance

Prospects for the characterization of habitable exoplanet atmospheres with proposed missions

Targets for astrobiology in the Solar System: Mars, Europa, Enceladus

Circumbinary planetary systems

Response of planetary systems to stellar mass loss, polluted white dwarfs, accretion of planetary material onto white dwarfs

Evidence and status of the "Planet Nine" hypothesis in the Solar System

Based on lectures given in Spring 2020 at Stony Brook University as part of an upper division special topics undergraduate class on "Exoplanets"

Phil Armitage (philip.armitage@stonybrook.edu)