Hybrid systems and trusted autonomy

(Note: this website is for an old semester)


Hybrid systems combine discrete behaviors (such as software or state machines) with continuous behaviors (such as the physical world).  A large number of applications can be viewed in this way including embedded systems, robotics, aerospace systems, process control and biological systems. Autonomous systems like self-driving cars and unmanned drones can also be analyzed using hybrid systems techniques. Models for hybrid systems often use combinations of state-machines and differential equations. The course covers modeling, design, analysis, and verification methods.

Class Information
Time: Monday and Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:20am
Aug 23, 2021 - Dec 6, 2021 (See SBU Academic Calendar for holiday list)

Location: Old CS Building 2120, also Zoom link on Blackboard

Office Hours
Professor office hours are Mondays 11:30am to 12:30pm (after class), or by appointment. Office hours are on zoom (the link is on a blackboard announcement). Please e-mail me beforehand if you plan to come.

TA office hours are on Wednesday afternoons 2-3pm (see blackboard announcement for link and hours). Please e-mail the TA (and cc me) beforehand if you plan to come.

Syllabus and Class Policies
Syllabus Link

Course Topics

Course Professor

Stanley Bak
Stony Brook University
Department of Computer Science
Website: http://stanleybak.com