Chemistry REU: Spectroscopy, Biological Chemistry and Synthesis

Snapshot of the Sars CoV-2 viral entry mechanism from the Simmerling lab.

The Stony Brook University Chemistry Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site provides student-centered research experiences for undergraduates in a 10-week program over the summer. The Site covers three fundamental research areas Spectroscopy, Biological Chemistry and Synthesis with wide-reaching applications in climate change, energy sources, biomolecular recognition, and human health that will benefit society.

Students in this REU will work in research clusters with other undergraduate researchers, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty to build and use their fundamental understanding of molecular structure to develop innovative solutions that improve the human condition globally.

REU Experience

REU students will participate in research projects, Research Cluster Meetings, professional development workshops and visit Brookhaven National Laboratory. For a list of current projects, please see Projects and Mentors and for examples of what students have accomplished in previous summers, see the Research Highlights. Every other week, Stony Brook REU students will participate in Research Cluster Meetings with other REU participants in their technical focus area. In addition, students will be given practical strategies for success through workshops exploring  career paths, ethics, LinkedIn pages, resumes and networking. At the end of the summer, students give a poster presentation in the Stony Brook Summer Research Symposium, a symposium comprised of undergraduates across STEM.  

The Stony Brook Chemistry End-of-Summer Poster Session

Program Specifics

Students will receive a stipend of $6000 over the 10-week program, housing on campus, and money to attend an external conference to present their work.

Summer 2023 Dates: May 30-August 4, 2023

Priority Application Deadline: Feb 1, 2023


The program is open to:

Please note this program is not open to current Stony Brook students. For current SBU students, please see URECA opportunities.


For more information, please contact Dr. Maria Nagan, or Dr. Liz Boon,

This program is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award No. CHE-2050541.

SBU Chemistry REU Steering Committee: Maria Nagan, Liz Boon, Ben Levine and Ming-Yu Ngai

SBU Chemistry REU Advisory Board: Sabita Nayak and Martha Giraldo Riordan (Adelphi University), Juan Santana (UPR-Cayey), Renée E. Haskew-Layton (Mercy College), Tom Kurtzman (CUNY-Lehman), Sunghee Lee (Iona College)