Our dorms are suite-style. Each suite has a shared bathroom and study area. There are no private bathrooms. There are single and double rooms available. $61 per person per night for a double room (shared), $69.25 per person per night for a small single room, $72 per person per night for a larger single room.

Singles are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

The facilities are completely furnished, air conditioned, and provide wireless access points. Linens are included. Guests provide their own toiletries. There are no kitchens available in the suites.

The conference check-in is from 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. on the 12th, so many people traveling from a distance book a room starting on July 11th.

Here are some helpful steps as you go through the form.

If you have any issues with booking housing, please email  shstudentlife@stonybrook.edu and include you housing ID. 


Note: Housing Registration is open until Tuesday June  27, 2023.

Click on this link to book housing.

You will be directed to Group Selector. If nothing is listed in Group Registration Code, please type SH-23-662 and click apply. Otherwise, click SELECT.

You will be brought to Conference Guest Registration. 

Fill out the registration information page. Double check your birthday was logged correctly. Also, your telephone number must be in this format xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Click save and continue

(If you are returning from last year, you can use the same credentials or request a password reset. If you have issues with password reset, you can contact Student Life at shstudentlife@stonybrook.edu.)

You will be brought to Home

Click on the three lines on the left in the grey bar toward the top of the page. A tab will drop down.

Click on Conference Housing Participation Registration. Type the Group Registration Code, SH-23-662, click APPLY, click SELECT.


Room List

You will find your room by first clicking on your arrival and departure days.

NOTE: The software defaults to July 11th-July 17th, but the conference begins on July 12th and ends on July 16th.

Remember, there will be a la carte meals available in the campus cafe on July 11th. If you've purchased a meal plan, it will start at breakfast, July 12. There are no meals served on campus after lunch on July 16th.


Once you've chosen your dates you have options for accommodations.

A double (Conf SBSH Double), single (Conf SBSH Single), or larger single (Double as Single).


(For those booking doubles, if you want to be roommates with someone, you both have to email shstudentlife@stonybrook.edu. Both must request via email and housing will put you together.)

Click Add to Cart


Shopping Cart

Click Pay Now and follow directions for credit card payment.


Please note: If you have any medical or accessibility needs for your housing, a request must be submitted and processed through our Student Accessibility Support Center (SASC) (SASC@stonybrook.edu ). In order to best meet your needs, the documentation should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to arrival.

Please be sure to specify you are part of the Southampton Writers Conference on the Southampton Campus and include the dates. This must go to SASC. Not me or housing.

Okay, that’s it for housing. Remember to book before June 27th.

Directions on booking meals should be out by June 15. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, we have had to switch to a meal plan system.