
Group Leader Expectations

StoneWater Group Leader Expectations

As a group leader of StoneWater Church, you are held accountable to the following expectations by the pastors and groups leadership team:

Group Starter Kit

Step 1: Fill out a Group Leader Sign Up Form: HERE

Step 2: Pray and Seek
Ask them to pray and seek the Lord’s help first and ask for: Courage to step out and lead, even when we feel inadequate; Confidence that the Lord will be with you every step of the way; Wisdom to lead and care for people well.

Step 3: Pastor Recommendation
Have them contact the Groups Team to set up a conversation with one of the Pastors.
Groups Team:
Granbury: Alicia Mills
Glen Rose: Dena Ott
Godley: Micah Smith
Tolar: Jake Valdez and Carly Valdez
Cleburne: David Raybuck
Snyder: Sarah Jamison
*At the meeting, they will share their plans and learn how they will be supported and cared for.

Step 4: Decide Group Details
When they will meet as a group.
We have found that the more consistent you can be, the better chances of success. However, schedules are difficult these days, especially for young families. Flexibility may be something you need to discuss based on who joins your group.

Where they will meet.
We have groups that meet in homes (sometimes alternating between different homes), at a StoneWater campus, in a park, at a restaurant, really anywhere that works for you and the group. You’ll need a place that provides some privacy in order to have quality conversations.

What they will discuss.
When first starting a group, we’ve found it best to have a curriculum or study that allows you to get to know one another. These studies are normally shorter in length and provide good opportunities for people to share their faith stories. We do ask that any group studies first be approved by our Groups Team.

Step 5: Have them invite people to join their group
We highly encourage all leaders to think of one individual or couple to invite into the group to help co-lead. There will be times that you may not be able to attend or just need a week off. A co-leader is a huge asset in helping share the load of leading a group. You’ll also want to begin inviting members into the group. Here are a few ways people make their way into a group:

Step 6: New Group Set Up Form HERE (after group is approved) This is what we will post to our website about their group

Step 7: Group leader resources
Starter Resources (click the link)

Group Setting Guidelines for Website Posting

If a group is ‘listed,’ meaning it shows up for public view on the web, there are setting guidelines that are in place to ensure visibility and functionality.
Please read the guidelines HERE

Group Scoreboard

Click HERE to view the Scoreboard 

Group Google Folder

Click HERE to go to the google drive.

Group Starter Kit Quick Links:

Campus Group Directors: 

Granbury: Alicia Mills
Glen Rose: Dena Ott
Cleburne: David Raybuck
Tolar: Jake Valdez and Carly Valdez
Godley: Micah Smith
Snyder: Sarah Jamison

Group Expo Best Practices

Click HERE  to view the Group Expo Best Practices document. 

Ministry Director / Group Director Graph
A quick breakdown of the relationship between a Ministry Director and a Group Director as it relates to their leadership over a campus Serve Group: