⛈ Weather Cancellation

Notice of Cancellation Timing

We aim to provide players with as much notice as possible when canceling games but acknowledge that weather forecasts can change rapidly.  Standard weather cancellations will go out no later than two hours prior to the first game of the day.  Of course, in the event that a safety concern arises while play is happening, games may be canceled even during play.

When it is clear that inclement weather will prevent play (due to an unwavering prediction of severe weather) games will be canceled the evening prior.

Source of Weather Information

Stonewall Sports Boston uses wunderground.com as our primary source for weather information.

Information Dissemination

When any of our sports are canceled we will share that information in multiple ways:

We aim to have all of these channels updated as simultaneously as possible.

Factors Considered When Canceling

All final calls will be made by League Coordinators and the Stonewall Sports Boston Board of Directors.  Generally, we use the following guidelines for outdoor sports:

Weather Cancellation Chart

For indoor sports weather cancellations will only be considered in the event that the weather conditions hinder travel such as snow storms. 

Rescheduling Games

If a season was advertised to have a built-in rain day then canceled games will automatically be moved to that rain date.  

Some seasons have scheduled days without play but without explicitly calling those days rain-makeup days.  This is most often due to a holiday where we expect player turnout to be low.  In that event, canceled games may be rescheduled on the holiday.  If that happens teams will generally be given the chance to forfeit without penalty so long as sufficient notice is given.

If there are no weeks off in a season and no rain dates allocated, weather cancellations will not be made up.