Staying in the Loop: Communication at Stonefields School

School Newsletter 

A link to the latest School Newsletter will be emailed to parents once a fortnight on a Thursday. The School Newsletter contains vital information from the school on everything that's been happening at school and all the upcoming events parents need to be aware of. Click the button below to read the latest School Newsletter. 

You can also find previous versions of the Newsletter and Year Level communications. 

Other ways we communicate with you:

EdgeApp: Parent Portal

Please download the Edge app via these links:

This is where you will receive notifications and communications from the school, notify us of your child/ren's absences, and view our term dates & school calendar. 

You can find more information on downloading and setting up the Edge app here.


If your child is absent and the school has not been notified via the Edge App, you will receive a text from the Student Management System asking for an explanation to be provided.

Te Kete Hono: SchoolTalk

We have invested significant time and energy in the development of SchoolTalk.  It is an environment that supports teachers learning design, grows children's agency in knowing how they are going, where they are going and their next steps and importantly for parents provides a window into your child's learning, achievement and progress.  It also supports how you might like to help your child at home.  During the first week of your child's enrolment you will receive information on how to subscribe to School Talk. 


Our Stonefields School Facebook page is designed to promote a sense of community and is used to provide families with information about events and activities and positive achievements within our School. For anyone wishing to join our Facebook page, the best way to receive updates is to visit our page and press the thumbs up “Like” button. This way when updates are posted, you will receive them on your Facebook news feed. Please familiarise yourself with our social media policy. It is important that you understand how we believe the platform should best be used. 

You can also join us on our Twitter feed - @StonefieldsSch