Activated Poetry, Almanac Life

Hsiang-Lin Shih 施湘靈 | an Adventure 探索前行

Agricultural Yilan

In the summer of 2018, working alongside students in the rice paddy fields of Taiwan, I had a chance to visit several farming communities in Yilan, Taiwan, where my in-laws are, and started to know more about the farming communities in Northfield, Minnesota, where I work.

During more than a month in Yilan, we conducted interviews, lived in a local farmhouse, farmed firsthand, and visited various historical landmarks. The culmination of this research is a website that showcases perspectives about suburbanization.

Chinese Diaspora

What is Chinese diaspora? I am interested in comparing modern immigration with ancient exodus and exile, in addition to comparisons with the migration of an empire, and the sojourns of officials, students, and merchants. I examine not only the genres in their cultural contexts, but also the borders they crossed, the places they went, and the environments they tried to adapt.

Having visited Taipei in the summer of 2016, a student and I built a digital representation of the shifting cityscape in Chu T’ien-hsin’s novella “The Old Capital.”

Learning Communities

I am committed to support each member of a learning community in...

I am also making an online learning space (St. Olaf account required) for students to share cross-cultural/dialectal presentations and in the meantime, to cultivate career readiness competencies such as communication and equity & inclusion (see NACE for more details).









此外,我持續構築線上學習空間 (登入須學校帳號),讓學生分享跨文化/方言的多樣表現同時培養求同存異,公平待人等職涯能力 (詳見 NACE)

Harvesting in Yilan, Taiwan - linked to Agricultural Yilan

Harvesting in Yilan, Taiwan - linked to Agricultural Yilan

Places and genres in Chinese diaspora - linked to Mapping Taipei

Places and genres in Chinese diaspora - linked to Mapping Taipei

A teaching website - linked to Shih's e-Railcar School

A learning space - linked to an e-Railcar School (St. Olaf account required)

Book of Songs

The Shi jing odes and hymns about the kingly work and the royal house have given an impression that the kings and heroes are the main characters; its reference to multiple states has also shaped a view that the anthology is an integration of various voices.

I argue, however, there is a unique agricultural voice in the Shi jing. My article "Across the Gateless Barriers: Hyperlinked Farming Poetry in the Shi jing" activates the "hyperlinks" to hear this voice.

Three Kingdoms

I research early and medieval literature, exploring the intersection of one genre with another.

My paper “Into the New Realm of Belles lettres: Intersections of the Sevens and Song Verses in Jian’an Poetry,” included in The Fu Genre of Imperial China: Studies in the Rhapsodic Imagination, revisits the Three Kingdoms era, showing how poets redefined the realm of belles lettres with their stylish manner.

Virtual Exhibits

Anthropologist James Clifford proposes that museums should be "contact zones" rather than colonial display of "the other." So how should we curate the artifacts we brought back from our trips?

My students and I decided to tell our personal stories. The digital platform Thinglink further enables us to connect our virtual exhibit spaces, and provide our online visitors with immersive audio guidance.









我和學生決定述說自身故事。Thinglink 數位平台更讓我們得以串連各自的虛擬展覽空間,用語音導覽為線上訪客提供身歷其境的感受。