Geologic History & Climate

Geologic History

The geological makeup of Southern Minnesota has been shaped by various events and geologic changes that span billions of years. The foundation of the ground we stand on today is called bedrock. Bedrock is the hard rock below the looser sediment. You can imagine bedrock as the foundation of a house. It was put in first and it provides the structure and base for the building after. Rice County lays on the bedrock named the Midcontinental Rift: a long area of igneous rock overlain by red clastic sedimentary rocks. This part of the bedrock dates back to the Middle Proterozoic era more than a billion years ago. We also see a few faults crossing over the Eastern side of Northfield's bedrock. Not much is known about St Olaf's underlying bedrock except for an approximation. A geological atlas of Rice County from the University of Minnesota shows a slightly visible layer of St. Peter Sandstone (visible on the Cannon River in Faribault) topped by the Platteville Formation. The Platteville Formation contains a base layer of limestone overlain by very shaly dolostone and a three-inch layer of volcanic ash. These two layers form our hill's foundation that St. Olaf stands on today.¹

The Rice County rock formation is mainly composed of seafloor sedimentary rocks including sandstone, slate, dolomite, limestone, and dolostone. In the Early Paleozoic era, shallow waters in southeastern Minnesota brought sand, silt, and clay to the beaches. As time passed, tidal flats were formed from the coast, carbonates formed from the remains of invertebrate shells, and algae were deposited on coral reefs on the seabed. These deposits later solidified into marine sedimentary rocks found today. Early Paleozoic seawater caused increased sediment erosion in beach areas. This erosion is recorded in the unconformities and irregularity of the rock columns. Other erosive activity occurred when the Lower Paleozoic deposition ceased. As a result of these erosion events, formations including the Galena Group, the Dubuque, and Maquoketa layers south of Rice County eroded.²

Cross section of bedrock located in Southeastern Minnesota. This bedrock consists of various layers of sedimentary rock including sandstone, shale, and limestone categorized by geologic eras such as the Precambrian and Ordovician eras. Figure sourced from the Minnesota Geological Survey.

Glacial History

A long time ago, a large amount of snow resided in what we now know as Canada. As more snow accumulated during the Ice Ages, a large continental ice sheet began to form known as the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Over the colder periods, the snow would accumulate and the ice sheet would cover more area. As it got warmer, the ice sheet receded north making a gradual back and forth. This tendency caused so much of our rock to be shifted and deposited to new spaces. Minnesota was covered in glaciers for four official stages during the Pleistocene Epoch: Wisconsin, Illinoian, Kansan, and Nebraskan. During these stages, the pre-glacial rock formations in Minnesota affected how the ice would move. Pre-existing highlands would usually split the ice sheet into distinct “lobes”, and valleys tended to localize the flow. The major features include the Lake Superior basin, the Laurentian divide in northeastern Minnesota, the Red River Valley, and the Red Lakes Lowland in western and central-northern Minnesota, respectively.³

Depending on the lobe, the resulting areas would be comprised of red or gray drift characterized by the color of the rock. The red drift is typically sandy, containing rock from the Precambrian bedrock (basalt, gabbro, and red sandstone) near Lake Superior and gets its reddish color from the high iron content of the material. The gray drift is silty, calcareous, and contains abundant carbonate rock fragments from the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Winnipeg area. In conclusion, much of the rock we study and view from lookout points was affected by glacial drift.

Photo: “Ice Forest” by Payton Foley

Climate Trends

The climate in Southern Minnesota is similar to that of the Midwestern states where winter months bring cold temperatures from Northern Canada followed by hot and humid summers. Minnesota's location is unique in that it experiences a wide variety of weather events that enable the region to experience all four very distinct seasons. Furthermore, Minnesota experiences year-round precipitation, most commonly in the form of snow or rain, with the wettest months of June and July allowing for conditions that promote agriculture. Precipitation, along with reasonable temperatures, topography, and availability of water, have historically promoted agriculture in and around the St. Olaf Natural Lands.⁴

Recent changes in weather conditions caused by climate change have shifted historical climate patterns in recent years. Southern Minnesota has experienced a consequence of climate change coined "global weirding" where unusual weather events such as false springs and extreme wet and dry seasons have been observed. These changes are extremely important when considering the agricultural industry surrounding the Natural Lands. They have been some of the first to observe these changes and have responded by adjusting farming and land-use practices.⁵


Works Cited

  1. Mossler, J. H. 1995. “Geologic atlas of Rice County, Minnesota, c-9, part A, plate 2, bedrock geology.” Minnesota Digital Library.

  2. Rice County. “Comprehensive plan: natural resources.” Fundamental Inventory Guide - 2040.

  3. Minnesota Department of Transportation. 2013. “Appendix A Geology of Minnesota.”

  4. Leverett, F., F. W. Sardeson, and U. G. Purssell. 1919. “Surface formations and agricultural conditions of the south half of Minnesota.” The University of Minnesota.

  5. Formo, Warren. 2019. “Adjusting to Minnesota’s changing climate.” Corn and Soybean Digest.