LIFE talk

LIFE talk at Stokesley school

One of the biggest barriers to students getting on in life is a lack of eloquence. We are not willing for this to be the case for any student who leaves Stokesley school.

The purpose of LIFE talk lessons is to equip year 7 students at Stokesley school with the skills that they need to be confident, fluent speakers about a range of topics across a range of contexts. If we can teach our students to articulate their ideas and engage with others through spoken language then we are empowering them to better understand themselves, others and the world around them.

LIFE talk lessons are delivered fortnightly by English teachers and fall under three core topics: finding your voice, sharing your voice and using your voice. Under these topics, students learn how to ask and answer questions, how to conduct themselves in a debate, how to show that they’re listening, how to use body language to enhance their points, how to use pitch, pace and volume to their advantage, how to recite texts individually and in groups and, eventually, will perform a piece to a live audience to show off all of the skills they have learnt.