Women´s History Report

Section 1

Sojourner Truth 

Sojourner Truth's real name is Isabella Baumfree Sojourner Truth occupation was a local minister And Was born in 1797 And died on November 26, 1883.


Section 2

Sojourner Truth Was Held in slavery And prevented from having an education,She spent her childhood In an estate as an enslaved. Childhood,Education

Sojourner Truth was the first African American Woman to win a lawsuit in the United states After her son was illegally sold.

Section 3 Accomplishments.

Sojourner Truth had continued  to Speak against Discrimination in favor of Women's suffrage and Sojourner Truth was Brave Enough to talk against Indiana State law but Had Got Arrested.

Section 4 Later years

Section 5  Bio poem                                            


 Hard working,Strong,Standing up for herself.

   Mother of Five children

   Speaking Against Women’s suffrage

Hated discrimination against Women’s Rights,Was Bought four times and got subjected to harsh physical violence,Continued to speak against Women’s Suffrage.

Sojourner truth has experienced Slavery Illiteracy And Pentury.

Fought To end Slavery, and was also an ardent supporter of women's right, Discovered and met Abraham Lincoln.

Sojourner truth wanted rights for African Americans and Women's Rights.

Born in Rifton New York And lived in Battle creek.
