Return to Campus!

We are back on campus!

Check out the Calendar page for details on when and where to go.

See the Entertainment page for an opinion piece about staying at home versus returning to campus.

Stop by the Yearbook section to see our farewell to Mr. K.

Celebrate the return to campus by baking some sugar cookies with our Recipes team.

Government Support

by Sergio Chavez

I think that a lot of people just wait on the government support, not that I have anything against them because I myself am one of those people. Some people don't know how to be patient. Yes, we all need money and we all need it to support our families. We always were that way but with covid everyone needed more help. A lot of people went without jobs and needed help financially. This government help will always be there and it has always been there for anyone who needs it.

In the year 2020 an outbreak of a virus started, it was called Covid-19 and a lot of people were affected by it. People lost jobs, went out of business, everything was a disaster. A lot of people couldn't pay rent, couldn't put food on the table, and much more they couldn't keep business open. A lot of things went on and that's when the government started supporting people by sending them money and that little bit helped a lot. This is why we needed the government support.

In conclusion government will be here for us at all times but for any natural cause there's going to be help for those who need it. I think that we as a country are a powerful thing but we need to all connect and not have favorites. Now a days the government is corrupted but you can tell which ones are the ones that deserve to be in the government. Any way you put it, we just have to stand strong and government will support us as a union.

The Truth about Plastic Recycling

by Evonna Jones

According to a video I watched on CNN, In 2050 plastic could possibly outweigh all the fish in the sea. Does plastic trash belong in the ocean? Are we supposed to dispose of our stuff there for the animals in the water to endure agony, be disturbed, and wiped out? Of course not! A change needs to happen to fix the now and the near future. We are carelessly making these animals in the ocean suffer because we choose to pollute but it must come to an end. Trash pollution is wrong, it's cruel to animals and tampers with the fresh air that we breathe.

For quite a while now, animals have been suffering severely from plastic entanglement. The problem is growing into a crisis. A crisis that is overlooked but very severe. According to an article on wildlife, the pollution in the ocean is proven to cause lung cancer and respiratory disease. This bad habit is slowly but surely putting us all at risk

Food products and fish oil are seafood extracts. Some of the cat food made contains fish and some seafood is fed to the fish in the aquarium. In the future this can be very detrimental to our environment. A lot of the animals in the ocean are mistaking plastic waste for food. They get wrapped around and smothered which leads to their death. When plastic is ingested, the toxins inside can become a part of the food chain and can even contaminate the fish that we eat.

Anyone disagreeing with the fact that plastic pollution is affecting our environment is someone who is unaware of the impact that it has on not only us humans but as of right now and as time goes on our sea animals are extremely affected and is definitely the victim here in this situation. This is very serious and should not be neglected, someone disagreeing with me would definitely be careless and selfish.

Our sea animals need us to do better and be better by doing our part. A sudden change/ turn around really needs to occur. This change won't happen overnight but we still need to figure out a way to clear out the damage we've already done (having trash in the water and all around it as well) and stop this bad habit. WE CAN DO IT.. but you gotta care and do your part.

For more information, visit:,or%20getting%20entangled%20in%20it,or%20kill%20plants%20and%20animals.&text=Long%2Dterm%20exposure%20to%20air,some%20species%20unsafe%20to%20eat.