
Tips Tricks and Hacks


Log out of your account EVERYWHERE

  1. Log into your Gmail account
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Click on "Details"
  4. Click the "Sign out all other web sessions" button
  5. Close the dialog box

Disguise your email address


Numerous sites off free downloads of various things like eBooks in order to collect your email address. This is perfectly fine but the emails you receive can get out of control over time.


When you submit your email address on the site in question do so with the following protocol:

gmail name + a plus sign (+) + a code word of your choice +

the codeword can be anything you want I usually use something related to the focus of the site.


If my email address is and I am sumbitting to a site that give me free "classroom"tips I would submit:


Once you do this any email form this source will come to you with this address in the "To" heading. You can then create a filter to treat the email as you like.

Make sure you enable "undo"


Chrome can be used as a media player

Simply drag your media to the chrome browser. Works great with the "casting " feature.

Some irresistible yet useless information about Google Chrome


Copy and past the link above. this loads a sill game. Hit the spacebar to begin and use your up arrows to jump over the obstacles.

Try Developing Chrome Apps and Extensions

The Chrome Task Manager

More Tools> Task Manager

This can help you to close out cached items that could be slowing down your Chromebook

View youTube "Distraction Free" with the DFYouTube extension.

You can log into multiple accounts in Chrome...and on Chromebooks

Google Drive

Altering urls to control document sharing

Start with a shared document of some kind. The url will have the word "edit" at the end.

Force a copy /copy

Replace the word "edit" with the word "copy"

You can use this extension to do the Same thing: Force Copy

Force save as a PDF - /export?format=pdf

Replace the word "edit" with export?format=pdf

Set an expiration date for a shared file or folder

First share a document or folder

Go back to the share settings and click "advanced"

Hover over the name of the person you have shared with.

Click on the clock

Reuse Google form questions with Form Recycler

Using Google Drive's Search with images

Google drive can search images that contain text and match the test to your search.

Google can recognize an image

OCR recognition - Open a PDF for editing

From google Drive: Right-click select "Open with Google Docs"

This also works with image files that contain text