World Book Day 2023!

World Book Day 2023!

A great series of events saw St Michael's students expressing their continued enthusiasm for books and reading. 

Highlights were the 'Found In Translation' event where Mr Toledo led a reading of Argentinian Writer Borges' 'Library of Babel' and the 'My Life In Books' events where students discussed their favourite reads. 

Books discussed were: 

Here is what Jayden in Year 11 had to say: 

"I loved reading the Borges' short story. It was a mind-bending exploration into belief, religion, meaning and nothingness. It really shed light into the nature of how society is organised, and the what and how we choose to believe what we do."

World Book Day 2023!

All KS3 students will be given their World Book Day £1 token in form during their reading time. This will entitle them to purchase a book for £1 from participating book stores. The list of £1 books is available here:

World Book Day 2022!

Ms Keane organised a fantastic suite of events for World Book Day 2022. It culminated in a very well attended event where Mr Bourke gave a short reading and answered questions about his novel debut 'LINE'. 

This is what Asiri in Year 8 had  to say: 

"I really enjoyed this event. It gave a real insight into writing a novel and found the ideas of dystopian fiction very interesting. Myself and Joshua both agreed it was great to have so many events in the school centred on novels and reading."

Copy of World Book Day events

Below, you will find some brilliant videos from previous World Book Days. Some are reviews of books, others are interviews with authors and there are even snippets of books read aloud.

Here are links to a number of short extracts from some wonderful books you might like to read in full!