Where Raised Funds Go?

The STMC Alumni Association is a not-for-profit society. The Association is led by volunteer alumni and supporters who host Alumni events which foster community among our Alumni.  The Alumni Association also organizes events to support St Thomas More Collegiate. Funds raised by Alumni events are distributed at the discretion of the board of the STMC Alumni Association.  For the 24th Annual GKO, 100% of the funds raised will be donated to STMC's Fallen Knights Bursary Fund which provides assistance for STMC families who require financial aid. 

Over the years through events like the GKO, St. Thomas More Collegiate’s Alumni Association has been able to contribute significant amounts to the Bernie Kully Memorial Bursary, the Shane Van Vliet Memorial Bursary and to other causes like the school’s gym building fund. We also support our STMC graduates through our Knights of Old Scholarship fund. We truly appreciate the support you have given this event over the years.

Fallen Knights Bursary Fund

In the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice, St Thomas More Collegiate ensures that no student is ever turned away because of financial reasons. As stated above, this year we hope to again make a significant contribution to the Fallen Knights Bursary Fund.

GKO’s value as a fundraiser is immeasurable. The GKO has great value as it builds community. Your continued support, whether it be as a golfer, a prize donor, a sponsor or in all three ways, is very much appreciated. We have re-structured our sponsorship packages. For a closer look, read more about our Sponsorship Opportunities

If you would like to make a donation to the Fallen Knights Bursary Fund, please visit the STMC Donation page.

Thanks so much! Hope to see you on June 15th.