Novel study tasks

Term 4 Novel studies

R4 T4 Novel studies

Book review

Writing a book review is a way of showing your understanding of what you have read. Try to strike a balance of telling your audience enough about the story without being a spoiler.

Use the example below to help write your own book reviews.

Character description

A character description is your chance to describe a character in your words. It enables you to add your own perspective of the character.

Use these ideas to help you (don't use all of them, it will be too long).

Redesigning a book cover

Your task is to redesign a book cover of either your novel you are reading or an article from a journal your group has read.

You'll know you are successful if:

  • The images match the mood of the text.

  • You include the important information - Title, author.

  • The images relate to the text.

  • You have chosen colours and font to match the mood of the text.

Scene description

Classrooms scene description

The brightly lit classroom was warm and comfortable compared to the winter weather outside. The large clock’s tick could be heard with the low hum of the computer next to the teacher’s desk. The atmosphere was quiet and peaceful, almost as if the room was relaxed and preparing itself for the busy day when the children arrived. Clean desks, sharpened pencils, a polished floor and the new date on the interactive white board. Everything was now ready for the first lesson of the day. The loud bell echoed and the thundering footsteps approached to alter the calm room for the next six hours.

Remember to describe what is sounds like, looks like and feels like. What is happening, who is there and when it is.

Remember, it is better to show through description, similes, metaphors and actions rather than simply telling.