Youth Group


Oct. 14- 2-5 PM- Glacial Ridge State Park- Hike, hotdogs and S’mores

Oct. 27-28- Senior High Youth Rally

Nov. 3- Net Night with Fr. Mike Schmidtz (tickets were pre-purchased for this over the summer)

Nov. 18- 4-7 p.m.- Youth Group Service Day- Bake pies and deliver them to parishioners

Dec. 2- Youth Group Breakfast to benefit Wish Tree and Toys for Tots

Dec. 9- 4-6 p.m.- Youth Group shopping event to purchase Wish Tree and Toys for Tots

Dec. 16- 5-7 p.m.- Youth Group Christmas Party

Jan. 6- Youth Group Breakfast

Jan. 13- 6-9 p.m.- Youth Group movie night

Jan. 27- Junior High Youth Rally at St. John’s

Feb. 2- Serve supper after Spanish mass

Feb. 17- Youth group breakfast

March 3- Confirmation Mass

March 23- RISE UP Middle School Conference

March 31- Youth Group get together

April 7- Youth Group breakfast

April 14- Youth Group get together

Summer 2019- Camping trip- Time and place TBD

July 26-28- Steubenville North

The youth are an essential part of our faith community. Their smiles and strong personalities are often responsible for increasing the energy in our parish. Assumption’s Youth Group is a safe and welcoming place where young people can make and develop positive relationships with each other, our loving God and His Church.

For more information, contact:

Holly Giese

Youth Group Coordinator

P: (320) 589-2294
