Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The mission of St. Mary’s School is to provide an environment that promotes Catholic Christian values for all. We work with parents, the parish community, and the community at large to empower our students to recognize God’s presence in their daily lives and to be responsible lifelong learners who strive for academic excellence.


St. Mary’s School is sponsored by The Church of the Assumption of Mary of Morris to pass on to students the Church’s Catholic faith. Through Catholic morals and values St. Mary’s School achieves a positive learning atmosphere for the development of the whole person. St. Mary’s expresses the Catholic faith through faith formation classes, prayer, liturgical worship and Christian relationships. St. Mary’s provides a solid academic experience for students. With current curriculum and technology St. Mary’s meets the academic needs of students by differentiated instruction to develop independent problem solvers. Students’ responsibility is fostered by promoting positive attitudes, acceptable behaviors, and a good work ethic. St. Mary’s provides opportunities to facilitate growth toward a healthy self-image. A strong collaboration between students, parent, teachers, staff, parish and the larger community thrives at St. Mary’s School. This bond promotes the dignity of each person.


1. St. Mary’s strives to build Faith Community through strengthening the Christian life style.

2. St. Mary’s strives to help students experience ongoing development of self-esteem through positive experiences.

3. St Mary’s endeavors to nurture open communication among parents, staff, students, parish and civic community.


Our Christ-centered community expresses faith built in prayer, liturgical worship and Christian living. St. Mary’s provides opportunities and situations to facilitate growth toward a positive and healthy self image. St. Mary’s continues the close bond between families, school staff, students, parish and civic communities.

St. Mary’s provides a quality total curriculum.