Behaviour & Personal Development

1.  Embed our Positive Relational Behaviour Policy to ensure clarity for all students regarding expected behaviours and their impact


a) To introduce and embed our three school rules - Respectful, Ready, Reflective - fostering a positive and purposeful learning environment 

b) Establish a whole-school approach centered around the concepts of "Bucket Filling" and "Bucket Dipping."

c) Consistent restorative approach to consequences of poor choices

d) To increase collaboration and foster a sense of shared responsibility among House groups, creating increased opportunities for them to actively engage and contribute to various aspects of school life

2. Improve overall student attendance rates


a) Implement a monitoring system to analyse data for early interventions & action plans

b) To implement personal targeted strategies for persistent absentees


3. To embed Emotional Literacy in the Curriculum


a)To explicitly teach progressive vocabulary development  for emotions 

b) To use literature, drama, and other creative mediums to teach children about different emotions and how to express and manage them in a healthy way. 

c) To support children emotionally through pastoral interventions 

4. Increase opportunities for pupil leadership


a) To work with local schools on community projects

b) All children in Year 6 to have meaningful Positions of Responsibility

c) Meaningful projects for our school councils to be involved in

5. Embed an inclusive curriculum that reflects the diverse backgrounds and cultures within our local and wider environment


a) Implement the ‘No Outsiders’ programme into the curriculum

b) Implement the Immanuel project for the non-christian units in the RE curriculum

6. Develop St Mary’s Enrichment Programme to offer children a wider range of cultural capital opportunities


a) Expand our curriculum beyond the National Curriculum, incorporating diverse and enriching experiences

b) Increase afterschool enrichment club opportunities

7. Review the structure of our wrap around care with a link to our afterschool enrichment clubs


a) Revise and enhance the structure of wrap around care optimal efficiency and engagement