St Mary's Weekly

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing;  

together shining a light

'For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.'(Matthew 25:35)


It has been a busy week back at school after half term. This week we have introduced our new value to guide us in our daily lives, 'Compassion'. 

In  Collective Worship, we delved into the story of The Good Samaritan to understand the true meaning of compassion - noticing and acting upon a need, without hesitation or judgement.  

We have talked about how we can show compassion in our everyday lives. We went on a 'Value Spotting' mission around school and spotted lots of acts of compassion happening all around us, from helping a classmate with a tricky maths problem to comforting a friend who had fallen over. It fills us with such joy to see our pupils embodying this value with such passion and sincerity. Have a look at our Value Spotters display for this week.

Shining a light on... 

House Points for this week

House Points so far this term

Effort & Progress in Learning Certificates

Congratulations to the children below who received a special certificate on Friday for 'Effort and Progress in Learning'.

Reception - Maeve

Year 1 - Noah 

Year 2 - Lily

Year 3 - Fletcher

Year 4 - Darcie

Year 5 -  Tilly

Year 6 - Liam 

All the children that received certificates will be celebrating with Mrs Maxwell over a hot chocolate and marshmallows on Monday this week.

Above & Beyond 

The children below attended Above and Beyond time on Friday. Children are awarded these special stickers for consistently following our school rules (Respect, Ready, Reflect) and our school values.

This week's children that attended Above and Beyond time -

Norah, Rosalind, Harper, Lucy, Kaiden, Lily, Henry, Duke, Simran, Paul-John, Emmie, Miles, Zoya, Kezia, Saskia, Sebastien , Jamie N and Conor

Times Tables Rockstar

Children in Years 3, 4 and 5 use the TTRockstars programme to support their learning of multiplication tables. Times Tables Rock Stars is an award-winning maths learning platform where children can practise their times tables like a rock star! The question-based games automatically adapt to each child’s unique learning needs, helping them to recall their times tables in record speed. Accessible on any device, via the app or browser, children can play anytime, anywhere. Plus, the engaging gamification and motivating rewards mean it is never difficult to entice children to play.

Congratulations to the children below that received a TTRockstars certificate on Friday for the most effort.

Year 3 - Nancy

Year 4 - Josh

Year 5 - Henning

British Black History Month Showcase

We are so proud of our amazing pupils for creating a spectacular showcase to celebrate Black History Month! From powerful art pieces to inspiring presentations, they have truly brought these influential stories of 'Little People Big Dreams' to life. We continue to celebrate diversity and learn from the incredible achievements of individuals who have made a huge impact in history. 🌎

A massive thank you to Miss Devlin for organising the event! 🌟

Year 6

This week in History, Year 6 begun learning about The Second World War, having learnt about the First World War last half term. We explored how leadership had changed since the end of WW1 and the disagreements that led to the outbreak of WW2 in 1939. We used this learning to create timelines to show these significant events. We are looking forward to exploring this further when we have our Evacuee Day later this half term. 

In Art, we have been creating wire figure sculptures as soldiers or nurses from The Great War. We attached the wire to a wooden base and then used paper mache to create the silhouettes. We have been painting them to bring them to life!

Year 4 trip to Farmer Gows

The enthusiastic children in Year 4 embarked on an exciting educational journey to Farmer Gow's Farm. They delved into the world of Green Energy and Electricity; discovering the power of wind and sunlight in generating electricity. To top it off, the children had a special opportunity to visit the Westmill Wind and Solar Farm, where they saw these concepts in action!

Despite the challenging weather conditions, Year 4 exhibited exemplary behaviour.  Their resilience and good spirit shone through, even in the face of a torrential downpour.

FoSMS Fireworks Evening

Wow, what an amazing night! The fireworks display was absolutely stunning! 🎆🎇 

A special shoutout to FoSMS (Friends of St Mary's) and all the volunteers who helped make this event possible. It truly was a community effort that brought so much joy and excitement.

Fireworks at St Mary's.mp4

Tesco Strong Starts Grant

Project title: Vegetable Patch and Composting


We are thrilled to announce that our project has secured the top spot in the Tesco Stronger Starts vote at our local Tesco stores, earning us a grant award of £1,500.00 

Fantastic news for our Eco Council and the wider school community! Exciting times ahead! 


Reception Admissions - 2024

The primary application process for 2024/25 opens on 1st November 2023 and closes on 15th January 2024. Hertfordshire County Council’s Admissions & Transport Team will be accepting all applications for children born between 01/04/2019 and 31/08/2019.   

You must apply online at:

Celebrating Achievements

We are proud of our pupils and their dedication to learning both in and out of the classroom.

Please share with us any achievements your child has outside of school. Whether it be academic, athletic, artistic, or any other accomplishment, we want to hear about it! We will include these achievements in our school newsletter and shine a light on our talented children.

By shining a light on our children's successes, we can also inspire others to try new experieneces and to reach their full potential as well. 

Please send all information to Mrs Palmer. 

Key Dates

  Friday 10th November from 3pm -  Eco Council will be holding a preloved uniform sale in the school hall


A message from Rickmansworth Fire Station

CRMP Letter 2023.doc


We have such an amazing school and are looking at ways to promote ourselves in the wider community.  To do this, we will be developing our use of social media.  Please like our new Facebook page and any posts that you enjoy.
