St Mary's Weekly

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing;  

together shining a light

'Learn to do right. Seek justice.'(Isaiah 1:17)


Last week in Collective Worship we started to explore this half-term's value: justice

We looked at our value verse ('Learn to do right. Seek justice' from Isaiah 1:17) and talked about what justice means - fairness, equality, making wise decisions.  Gary told us the story of two brothers who thought hard about how to treat each other fairly and with kindness. 

We will continue to explore how to make informed, wise decisions this week.  

Key Dates

This week...

Monday 15th January - evening - FoSMS meeting at the White Bear

Tuesday 16th January - Reception - Space day in school

Tuesday 16th January - 18:00 - Parent workshop on our School Development Plan - Google Form below

Wednesday 17th January - 09:00 - Parent workshop on our School Development Plan - Google Form below

Friday 19th January - Governors morning in school - Reading in Key Stage Two

This half term...

Monday 22nd January - Year 2 - Healthy Hero workshop

Tuesday 23rd January - Year 3 - DT cooking day in school -  making bread rolls

Tuesday 30th January - Year 2 - class trip to the Tower of London

Friday 2nd February - Young Voices

Monday 5th to Friday 9th February - Wellbeing Week

Wednesday 7th February - Year 6 - 'Education & Empower your School' at Watersmeet

Thursday 8th February - 14:00 - 15:00 - Class Rep meeting

Friday 9th February - 13:30 - 15:00 - Year 4 - Dance Festival Rehearsal at Rickmansworth School 

Monday 12th February - Year 1 trip to Hertfordshire Zoo

Monday 12th February - evening - FoSMS AGM

Monday 12th February - 18:00 - 20:00 - Year 4 - Dance Festival Performance at Rickmansworth School

Thursday 15th February - 14:30 - 16:00 - parents invited in for each class' 'Showcase and Celebration' event

Week beginning Monday 19th February - Half Term

Next half term...

Friday 1st March - morning - M & M Theatrical Productions of Oliver Twist

Friday 1st March - 14:00 - 14:45 - St David's Day celebration

Monday 4th to Friday 8th March - Book Week - the children will be immersed in a variety of activities each day

Monday 4th March - Year 3 - class trip to Celtic Harmony - Stone Age

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Dress up

Wednesday 13th March - Parent workshop on Reading Fluency

Thursday 14th March - all day - Year 4  - Sound workshop at school

Friday 15th March - 14:00 - 14:45 - St Patrick's House celebration 

Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th March - Parent Consultations

Thursday 21st March - all day - Year 6 - Greek day in school

Tuesday 26th March - Easter Egg hunt

Wednesday 27th March - 18:00 - 19:00 - Easter Service at St Mary's Church - Years 1 to 6

Thursday 28th March - Easter activities. Last day of term - finish at 13:15. NO JD Club

Shining a light on... 

House Points this week...

Effort & Progress in Learning Certificates

Congratulations to the children below who received a special certificate on Friday for 'Effort and Progress in Learning'.

Reception - Amelia

Year 1 - Charlie 

Year 2 - Arthur

Year 3 - Illia

Year 4 - Violet

Year 5 -  Lottie

Year 6 - Freya

All the children that received certificates will be celebrating with Mrs Maxwell over a hot chocolate and marshmallows on Tuesday this week.

Above & Beyond 

The children below attended Above and Beyond on Friday/Monday with Mrs Maxwell

Scarlett, Jacob, Orla, Giana, Jemimah, Lucy, Iris, Jeremy, Suri, Josh, Esmee, Lilly, Tilly, Kalina, Charlie, Dylan

It's been another busy week in Year 6...

In Science this week, we learnt about the job of the heart and carried out an investigation to explore how exercise affects our heart rate. We had to find our pulse (which requires being very calm and still) and then observed how it changed after exercise. We found that our heart rate almost returned to our resting heart rate 4 minutes after exercise. We discovered that, because the heart is a muscle, it needs exercising to remain strong and healthy. The healthier the heart, the less often it needs to pump blood, meaning a lower heart rate.  

In Maths, we have been learning to solve algebraic problems. This has included a range of missing number problems where the unknown value is a shape, letter or word. We have shown our working through bar models to show that both sides of an equation are equal. 

Battle of the Bands

During the festive season, we set up a TTRockstars challenge named 'Battle of the Bands' for Years 3, 4, and 5. The competition was intense among the top three pupils, each displaying remarkable determination to emerge victorious!

Year Four were victorious with Year 5 in second place and Year 3 in third place.

Miles Dives into the Fast Lane!

Miles, in Year Four, loves his swimming. As well as his two aunty’s, his mum was a competitive swimmer and his grandad is world class Olympic British and Australian swim coach Chris Nesbit. 

'Chris is regarded as one of the world's most astute Head Coaches, having placed 26 swimmers on Olympic Teams from 1980 to 2021 in Britain and Australia.'

Miles was recently invited to a trial at his swimming club at Rickmansworth School, as part of a large-scale assessment of over 3000 boys his age. The club was looking for 20 promising swimmers to join a fast-track swim programme ahead of competing at a county gala this March.

Miles was over the moon to be selected and starts with his first session on Friday 12th. He’ll then be swimming 4 times a week including one session a week before school at 6.30 am!  

We can't wait to hear more about your journey, Miles!

Environmental Stewards: Young Advocates Taking Action

Last week Florence, in Year Two, noticed how much litter there was down Stockers Farm Road so she decided to bring her litter picker to school. She spent fifteen minutes before school and fifty minutes after school picking up litter from Harefield Road end up to the end of the staff car park. She collected so much, including many snack wrappers, a pair of old neon green trouser braces and broken glass. We are really proud of Florence for wanting to make our local environment better for everyone and better for the planet. 

Charlie, in Year Five, has a New Year's Resolution to pick up litter regularly around the Aquadrome.

Let's continue to inspire our children to notice ways to look after our local environment. Please share any ideas or actions, so we can feature them in our newsletter and shine a light on the importance of supporting our environment.


Parent Workshop - our School Development Plan

Tuesday 16th January - 18:00 and Wednesday 17th January - 09:00. 

We are delighted to invite you to a parent workshop where we will explore our three-year development strategy, focusing specifically on this year's plan for our school. To accommodate as many parents as possible, we have scheduled two sessions. Please inform us of your preferred session so that we can provide refreshments. Your participation and insights are highly valued, and we look forward to sharing our exciting plans with you.

Afterschool Enrichment Clubs

Everyone should have received an email on Friday evening regarding afterschool clubs for your child's year group. Below is the overview timetable to help you see the rationale behind the structurewe have put in place.  

We have increased the number of clubs as children move up the year groups. This has been done deliberately as the structure of the school day can be tiring for our younger children.  JD Club is the perfect place for children to have more freedom in their choice of activities along with downtime that replicates home time.

To ensure a fair distribution of opportunities, you will be sent a google form, indicating the clubs your child would like to participate in. By completing the form, you are confirming your agreement to the associated costs for each club. Kindly submit your preferences by this Wednesday at midday. We will then notify you of the clubs your child has been offered so that you can pay the provider.


A reminder that the government expects your child to attend every day that the school is open, unless: 

As a parent it is difficult to know when / when not to keep your child off school due to illness. Please have a read of the documents below to give you some guidance.


Community News

We would love to hear and share news regarding the activities and accomplishments of our children outside of the school environment, as well as updates on noteworthy contributions or events within our parent body and the broader local community.

Please submit all relevant information to Mrs Palmer at Your contributions will not only serve to highlight the diverse talents within our community but will also contribute to the collective narrative that shapes the identity of St Mary's.

Have you heard about 'Junior Park Run'?

Junior parkrun is a free, fun, and friendly weekly 2km event for juniors (4 to 14 year olds) held every Sunday at 9:00am at King George V Playing Field, Shepherds Lane, Mill End (opposite William Penn Leisure Centre). It's free to take part but you do need to register before you first come along at

 You only ever register with parkrun once so no need to book each week. Just turn up with a scannable copy of your barcode. The aim is to have fun and enjoy being outdoors and active so everyone is welcome. Please come along and join in whatever your pace!

Parents we need you too! Junior parkrun is entirely organised by volunteers. If you could help out marshalling, handing out finish tokens or scanning barcodes then please email to help.


We have such an amazing school and are looking at ways to promote ourselves in the wider community.  To do this, we will be developing our use of social media.  Please like our new Facebook page and any posts that you enjoy.
