St Mary's Weekly

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing;  

together shining a light

'Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go'  Joshua 1:9


This week in Collective Worship, we focused on 'facing a challenge'. On Wednesday, with Gary, we explored the Biblical story of David and Goliath. What a challenge David overcame! Goliath fell to the floor in front of him. He had faced a real threat, with courage and conviction. Gary prayed for the whole school community - in the many challenges that we may face this week. May we all too, have confidence and courage to step out and up boldly.

Key Dates

This week...

Week 5

Monday 13th to Friday 17th May - Year 6 - SATS week

Tuesday 14th May - Year 4 class trip to Batchworth Canal

Thursday 16th May - Year 3 - class trip to Hazard Alley

Friday 17th May - Non-uniform day and Bake Sale afterschool for PlaySkill charity

Friday 17th May - Year 6 - pizza and film afternoon to celebrate the end of SATs week

Friday 17th May - am - Three Rivers District Council will be coming into school to ask the children for their ideas on Ebury Play Area

Saturday 18th May - Open morning at St Mary's Church - we will be supporting this event with the Choir as well as having a stall to promote us. This is an important event for us to promote how special our school is in our local community

This half term...

Week 6  - Monday 20th to Friday 24th May - Art Week

Wednesday 22nd May - afterschool - Art Exhibition

Wednesday 22nd May - 17:30 - 18:30 - Year 6 Parent Meeting - Residential Trip

Thursday 23rd May - Year 1 class trip - Brooklands Museum

Friday 24th May - am - Year 4 field trip to Rickmansworth

Friday 24th May - Movie Night to raise money for PlaySkill Charity

Monday 27th to Friday 31st May - Half Term

Next half term...

Week 7

Week 8

Monday 10th to Friday 14th June - Year 4 Multiplication Check and Year 1 Phonics screening

Monday 10th June - afternoon - Year 2 trip into Rickmansworth to support their local study

Wednesday 12th June - Reception trip to Whipsnade Zoo

Week 9

Monday 17th to Friday 21st June - Year 6 Residential

Monday 17th to Friday 21st June - Years One to Five - English and Maths assessment week

Saturday 22nd June - Summer Fair - We will have performances from the Year 4’s that performed at the Three Rivers Dance Festival, before school gymnastics club, Karate club and the KS2 choir

Week 10 - Monday 24th to Friday 28th June - Science / STEM Week

Thursday 27th June - 9:30 - 15:00 - Years 3 & 4 - Aquadrome activities with Three Rivers District Council running the sessions for us

Week 11 - Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July - Sports Week 

Monday 1st July - afternoon - Year 5 at the Aquadrome with Canoe Sports Trust - Katacanoes (6 to a boat) & Open Canoes (3 to a boat)

Wednesday 3rd July - afternoon - Year 6 at the Aquadrome with Canoe Sports Trust - Stand Up Paddle boards & Sit on Top Kayaks 

Thursday 4th July - Sports Day - KS1 - morning followed by picnic lunch; KS2 - picnic lunch followed by sports afternoon

Thursday 4th July - 15:30 - 17:00 - Year 6 leavers party

Week 12

Thursday 11th July 9.30 - 11.45 - Transition morning

Week 13

Monday 15th July - Year 6 production - evening performance for parents

Tuesday 16th July - Year 6 productions - afternoon performance for parents

Thursday 18th July - afternoon - school disco and end of term activities

Friday 19th July - Year 6 Leavers Service at St Mary’s Church - all children to be dropped off at the church at the start of the day

Friday 19th July - 13:15 - End of term - No JD Club

Shining a light on... 

House Points this week

Total House Points for the Term

Effort & Progress in Learning Certificates

Congratulations to the children below who received a special certificate on Friday for 'Effort and Progress in Learning'.

Reception - Sylvie

Year 1 - Ilan

Year 2 - Zack

Year 3  - Ava

Year 4 - Amelie

Year 5 -  Lottie 

Year 6 - Alice

All the children that received certificates will be celebrating with Mrs Maxwell over a hot chocolate and marshmallows on Wednesday.

Above & Beyond 

Beau, Jenson, Alex, Emma, Eliza, Darcie, Juliusz, Albie, Kaiden, Lily, Jaiden, Florence, Harry B, Henry, Lucy, Sasha, Oscar, Tilly, Aaryan, Ella, Alessandro, Rosie, Emaan, Michael, Henry, Saskia

 Weekly Class Attendance



Last week, twelve children from Years 4, 5, and 6 participated in a challenging competition to select representatives for the upcoming 2024 Inter-Schools Maths Quiz Championship. This nationwide contest will see our team pitted against 4000 other schools, showcasing their mathematical prowess.

The selection process consisted of three increasingly difficult rounds, where each participant demonstrated exceptional skill and determination. Our brilliant competitors from Year 6 included Lilly, Thomas, Jack, and Jamie; from Year 5, Louie, Kezia, Krysten, and Eliza; and from Year 4, Josh, Aaryan, Felix, and Ben.

After a tough competition, we are proud to announce that Thomas, Lilly, Kezia, and Felix have been selected to represent our school, with Aaryan as our reserve. The team will compete in the first round of the championship on Tuesday, 21st May. We are excited to see how they will perform and wish them the best of luck in the competition!

Enhancing Our Writing Skills

Writing development is a central focus in our School Development Plan this year. To support this initiative, our staff participated in a Twilight training session on Thursday evening. We were fortunate to have Dean Thompson, a renowned writing consultant, lead this session. His expertise provided high-quality training for all our staff members.

Following the training, Dean spent Friday working directly with various classes on shared writing activities. The results were impressive, with children crafting shared and individual setting descriptions and creative poems. 

We are excited to implement the strategies and techniques learned from these sessions into our English lessons next half term. This hands-on training promises to enrich our curriculum and bolster our children's writing abilities.

Year Five Mini Police

Year Five has been diligently continuing their mini-police project, focusing on improving our community through a planned litter-picking event. The children embarked on a cleanup mission around the school perimeter and extended their efforts all the way to the Aquadrome. They were quite astounded by the amount of litter they collected in just one afternoon. This initiative not only helps keep our environment clean but also instills a sense of responsibility and pride in our children.

⭐️ Club of the Week ⭐️

In Key Stage Two Art Club, the children explored the basics of using soft pastels, focusing on techniques such as colour blending to create simple abstract pictures. For the next few sessions they will build on these skills, with painting imaginative landscapes, delving deeper into more advanced pastel techniques.

Ducklings in Reception

Our Reception class has embarked on an exciting hands-on learning project by caring for ducklings. The children have had the unique opportunity to observe the entire hatching process, watching as the ducklings emerged from their shells and begin to grow. Each day, the children are monitoring their development, noting changes in size, feather growth, and behaviour. This engaging experience not only teaches them about the life cycle of birds but also instills a sense of responsibility as they help look after the young ducklings by ensuring they have enough food and a safe, warm environment. 

🏉 Cian will be Taking the Field at Saracens Match! 🏉

Cian’s been playing for Fullerians for the last couple of years. This season, he’s been playing really well.   He will be playing on the Saracen pitch with the team before the Saracens vs Sales match on the 18th May. Let's cheer him on as he continues to shine bright on the field!

Issy's Dance Showcase at the Pumphouse Theatre

Over the weekend, Issy showcased her talent in a dance performance at the Pumphouse Theatre. She performed in a range of performances, including modern, tap, and ballet routines. Issy's dedication and hard work over the past six months truly paid off, as she delivered fabulous performances on stage. We're incredibly proud of her achievements and commend her for her commitment to her dance! 


2024 - 2025 Term Dates

Autumn Term

Autumn Term 

Thursday 5th September 2024 - Autumn term starts

Monday 28th October to Friday 3rd November - Half Term

Friday 20th December 2024 - Autumn term finishes

Spring Term

Wednesday 8th January 2025 -  Spring term starts

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February - Half Term

Friday 4th April - Spring term finishes

Summer Term

Thursday 24th April - Summer term starts

Monday 26th to Friday 30th May - Half Term

Friday 18th July - Summer term finishes

Attendance at school is the foundation to a child's future success and happiness. Over the coming weeks, we will be taking a letter from the alphabet, in turn, in order to highlight the importance of being at school and advice for parents and carers.

I is for Illness: The government expects your child to attend every day that the school is open, unless: 

As a parent it is difficult to know when / when not to keep your child off school due to illness. Please have a read of the documents below to give you some guidance.

Ebury Play Area Refurbishment


Representing our School at St Mary's Church Open weekend

Our school choir has been invited to perform at the upcoming St Mary's Church Open Day. This event provides an excellent platform for our children to share their vocal talent with the wider community and contribute to a joyous occasion. The choir will be performing a selection of uplifting and inspiring songs and is a wonderful opportunity for your child to gain performance experience, build confidence and make a positive impact through singing.   If your child is in the school choir, please complete the school gateway confirming if your child is able / unable to attend the event.

Details of the performance are as follows:

Date: Saturday 18th May 

Time: 12.00pm (Children to arrive for 11.30am and be in full school uniform)

We would love more children to be involved during the morning to show our fabulous school community.  We will have a school stall as well as serving refreshments. Please let us know if you would like your child to be involved in the event.

This is an important event for us to promote how special our school is in our local community - 

please sign up for your child to attend using SchoolComms


We have such an amazing school and are looking at ways to promote ourselves in the wider community.  To do this, we will be developing our use of social media.  Please like our new Facebook page and any posts that you enjoy.
