St Mary's Weekly
Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing;
together shining a light
In Collective Worship last week, we delved into the purpose of rules and laws. Exploring the the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God, we discovered their significance in guiding Jews to treat others with respect and fostering effective love and worship of God. We also drew parallels to our school rules—Respectful, Ready, Reflective—highlighting their role in promoting similar values within our school community.
Have a look at the clip about the Ten Commandments.
Key Dates
This week...
Monday 12th February - Year 1 trip to Hertfordshire Zoo
Monday 12th February - evening - FoSMS AGM (POSTPONED)
Monday 12th February - 18:00 - 20:00 - Year 4 - Dance Festival Performance at Rickmansworth School
Thursday 15th February - 14:30 - 15:30 - parents invited in for each class' 'Showcase and Celebration' event
Week beginning Monday 19th February - Half Term
Next half term...
Wednesday 28th February - Formal opening for parents of the Secret Garden - parents are invited to attend
Friday 1st March - morning - M & M Theatrical Productions of Oliver Twist
Friday 1st March - 14:00 - 14:45 - St David's Day celebration
Monday 4th to Friday 8th March - Book Week - the children will be immersed in a variety of activities each day
Monday 4th March - Year 3 - class trip to Celtic Harmony - Stone Age
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Dress up
Sunday 10th March - Mothering Sunday service at the Church - Choir will be singing and selected Year 6's will be reading a poem
Wednesday 13th March - 09:00 - 10:00 - Parent workshop on Reading Fluency
Thursday 14th March - all day - Year 4 - Sound workshop at school
Friday 15th March - 14:00 - 14:45 - St Patrick's House celebration
Monday 18th March - Year 5 - class trip to Lego Land for 'Science of Rollercoasters' workshop
Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th March - Parent Consultations
Thursday 21st March - all day - Year 6 - Greek day in school
Tuesday 26th March - Easter Egg hunt
Wednesday 27th March - 18:00 - 19:00 - Easter Service at St Mary's Church - Years 1 to 6
Thursday 28th March - Easter activities. Last day of term - finish at 13:15. NO JD Club
Shining a light on...
House Points this week...
House Points so far this term...
Effort & Progress in Learning Certificates
Congratulations to the children below who received a special certificate on Friday for 'Effort and Progress in Learning'.
Reception - Daisy
Year 1 - Lois
Year 2 - Harry H
Year 3 - Olivia
Year 4 - (not given out due to Dance Festival rehearsal)
Year 5 - Alessandro
Year 6 - Blake
All the children that received certificates will be celebrating with Mrs Maxwell over a hot chocolate and marshmallows on Monday this week.
Above & Beyond
The children below will receive their Above & Beyond stickers on Monday
Week 6 -
Lola- Rose, Ava, Orla, Erin, Aleyna, Jacob, Quinn, Matei, Amber, Gianna, Krysten, Charlie, Thomas, Leo G
The whole of Year 4 for their amazing efforts for the year 4 Dance Festival
Phonics and Reading Review with Linda Hardman
A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of hosting Linda Hardman, our School Effectiveness Advisor, for an insightful exploration of our Phonics and Reading programs.
Linda embarked on learning walks, observing phonics provision and interventions from Reception to Year 2. She took time to listen to our youngest learners reading to familiar adults and observed whole class reading in action in Year 4 and 6. Linda engaged in a meaningful KS2 reading pupil voice activities and sat down with Mrs Crilly, Miss Paxton, and Mrs Maxwell to discuss our phonics and reading curriculum with a focus on the intent, implementation, and impact.
We are thrilled to share that Linda was thoroughly impressed by the quality of provision and learning evident across our entire school. Kudos to our dedicated team for their hard work and commitment!
Here are some key quotes from the report:
"Careful consideration and research went into the school’s choice of SSP – systematic synthetic phonics programme - which is Unlocking Letters and Sounds. There is a clear rationale for its use. It can be applied in a routine and systematic manner – fidelity to this was clearly observed in the classrooms."
"The tracking of each individual child’s early reading skills is forensic."
"A discussion took place with a small group of pupils from KS2 who clearly enjoy and value their reading opportunities at school. They articulated their perspectives with clarity and enthusiasm and were a real joy to work with."
"Strong and effective provision was observed in the classrooms visited. There was the opportunity to see first-hand the quality of phonics and reading provision across the school."
"Precision teaching was highly skilled, concise and systematic focused on individual needs identified through the assessment process. Staff demonstrate determination that every child will learn to read with fluency."
Wellbeing Week
Last week was about Children's Mental Health Week! From Mindfulness Monday to Walking Wednesday, we embraced daily activities to boost mental well-being. Due to the weather, we postponed a couple of activities: we are looking forward to these this week.
💚 We encouraged our children to follow the "5 Ways to Wellbeing"💚:
1. Connect with others for positive relationships.
2. Be active for overall well-being.
3. Learn new skills for personal growth.
4. Give to others for a sense of purpose.
5. Pay attention to the present moment through mindfulness.
Year 6: Educate and Empower your School Workshop at Watersmeet
On Wednesday, Year 6 attended the ‘Educate and Empower your school’ event at Watersmeet Theatre, organised by Three Rivers District Council. We joined many other year 6 classes to hear from speakers representing a range of organisations.
We heard from Alison Cope, an anti-violence campaigner who spoke to us about knife crime and why some people feel they need to carry knives. An educator from Herts Young Homeless explained to us the importance of conflict resolution and helped us to identify what type of arguer we are! The charity MIND explained to us why looking after our mental health is important and what it can look/feel like if we have poor mental health. We explored stressors we might have in our lives and, most importantly, discussed the strategies we can use to help cope with these stressors. These included getting out in nature, talking to friends, listening to music and losing ourselves in a good book. Our final speaker of the day was a PCSO from Hertfordshire who showed us why it is so important that we don’t engage with strangers, and that we carefully consider who we share our personal information with.
Our key take-away from the day was to Speak Up, and Speak Out whenever we are in a situation that makes us feel uncomfortable, upset or concerned.
🌟 Club of the Week: KS2 Lego Club Extravaganza! 🎉
This week in our fantastic KS2 Lego Club, the creativity soared to new heights! Our budding builders split into several groups, each embarking on exciting projects. Some opted for the "freestyle" approach, crafting imaginative models in their groups. Meanwhile, two groups eagerly embraced the bridge building challenge, showcasing their architectural prowess to determine whose bridge could withstand the most weight. IThere are definitely some budding architects in the making!
It was truly heartwarming to observe them collaborating and relishing the creative process.
School Development Plan
We invite you to explore our School Development Plan (SDP) through the provided link. This living document serves as our roadmap for continuous improvement, guiding our efforts to enhance the learning experience for our pupils and our community.
Within the SDP, you'll find specific areas earmarked for expansion. These aspects are dynamic and will be consistently refined to align with our commitment to ongoing progress. Regular updates will be made, complete with evidence of the strides we've taken and reflections on our objectives.
2024 - 2025 Term Dates
Autumn Term
Autumn Term
Thursday 5th September 2024 - Autumn term starts
Monday 28th October to Friday 3rd November - Half Term
Friday 20th December 2024 - Autumn term finishes
Spring Term
Wednesday 8th January 2025 - Spring term starts
Monday 17th to Friday 21st February - Half Term
Friday 4th April - Spring term finishes
Summer Term
Thursday 24th April - Summer term starts
Monday 26th to Friday 30th May - Half Term
Friday 18th July - Summer term finishes
Attendance at school is key to a child's future success and happiness. Over the coming weeks, we will be taking a letter from the alphabet, in turn, in order to highlight the importance of being at school and advice for parents and carers.
A is for Appointments - Medical (and other) appointments should be made for non-school days wherever possible. If not, try to arrange them for the afternoon and ensure your child attends school in the morning as this reduces the number of lessons your child misses and also helps keep their attendance healthy. If you get an appointment at an awkward time, it is always worth asking for it to be moved as often cancellations or other appointments are available at the end of the school day.
Please provide school with evidence of the medical appointment in order for us to authorise the missed mark. Without this evidence, the absence might be unauthorised.
Showcase & Celebration on Thursday from 14:30 to 15:30
From 14:30 to 15:30 on Thursday 15th February , you are invited into your child's classroom. This is not an extra parent consultation but an opportunity to look at the books and to look around at the classroom displays so you are up to date with what your child has been learning and have the opportunity to see how they are doing.
Please ensure you follow book look etiquette as written below:
Ask your child to talk you through their learning if they are with you
Praise your child for effort, presentation and working hard
Remember that some work may be independent work and other work will be supported
Look at the presentation, handwriting and any comments from teachers
Has your child been responding to the feedback sheets in their green pen? It is positive if they have done so, as this is part of their learning progression.
Leave books as you found them please - in classroom
Please only look at your child’s books that have been left out for you ·
We thank you for your support. We appreciate your feedback - we will send out a link to the google form on Friday.
Reading in School
Please keep Wednesday 13th March - 09:00 - 10:00 free to find out why reading fluency is an important aspect for all children to master.
Reading is at the core of our curriculum, and to further support the reading experience, we are actively working on having more adults in school to listen to our children read. To facilitate this, we require children to have their reading book and reading record in their bags daily. While book changes will continue as before, this ensures flexibility for adults to hear children read in school.
If you have any spare time to listen to our children reading, we would love to hear from you. Please email Mrs Palmer to let us know your availability.
Wellbeing Week Resources for Parents
Community News
We would love to hear and share news regarding the activities and accomplishments of our children outside of the school environment, as well as updates on noteworthy contributions or events within our parent body and the broader local community.
Please submit all relevant information to Mrs Palmer at Your contributions will not only serve to highlight the diverse talents within our community but will also contribute to the collective narrative that shapes the identity of St Mary's.
St Mary's Church
Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2024
Click here to find out more.
We have such an amazing school and are looking at ways to promote ourselves in the wider community. To do this, we will be developing our use of social media. Please like our new Facebook page and any posts that you enjoy.