St Mary's Weekly

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing;  

together shining a light

'Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive others.'  Colossians 3:13


This half term we will be focusing in school on the value 'Forgiveness'. 

This week in Collective worship we focused on the importance of forgiving one another. We looked at the Lord's Prayer, exploring the words: 'and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us'. The idea of forgiveness being reciprocal - I forgive you, you forgive me.

Using the analogy of a clean slate we looked at the significance of wiping someone else's slate clean when they say sorry, and not holding grudges. We acknowledged that this is easier said than done! 

Gary continued this theme on Wednesday with the story of the paralysed man. Jesus offered forgiveness straight away. 

Key Dates

This week...

Wednesday 13th March - 09:00 - 10:00 - Parent workshop on Reading Fluency

Thursday 14th March - all day - Year 4  - Sound workshop at school

Friday 15th March - 14:00 - 14:45 - St Patrick's House celebration 

This half term...

Monday 18th March - Year 5 - class trip to Lego Land for 'Science of Rollercoasters' workshop

Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th March - Year 1 to 6 - Parent Consultations

Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st March - Reception - Parent Consultations

Thursday 21st March - all day - Year 6 - Greek day in school

Friday 22nd March - Non-uniform day for Cardiomyopathy & end of day cake/biscuit sale

Tuesday 26th March - Easter Egg hunt

Wednesday 27th March - 18:00 - 19:00 - Easter Service at St Mary's Church - Years 1 to 6

Thursday 28th March - Easter activities. Last day of term - finish at 13:15. NO JD Club

Next term...

There are lots more dates to come but we wanted to get as much information out as early as possible...

Monday 15th April - Start of the Summer Term

Friday 19th April - 13:00 - 14:30 - Marafun fundraiser - all year groups (more information soon...)

Monday 22nd April - World Earth day

Friday 26th April - St George's House celebration afternoon

Monday 6th May - Bank holiday - no school

Thursday 9th May - Parent Workshop on RSE (Relationships & Sex Education)

Monday 13th to Friday 17th May - Year 6 - SATS week

Saturday 18th May - Open morning at St Mary's Church - we will be supporting this event with the choir, children serving cakes as well as having a stall to promote us

Monday 20th to Friday 24th May - Art Week

Wednesday 22nd May - afterschool - Art Exhibition

Monday 27th to Friday 31st May - Half Term

Monday 10th to Friday 14th June - Year 4 Multiplication Check and Year 1 Phonics screening

Wednesday 12th June - Reception trip to Whipsnade Zoo

Monday 17th to Friday 21st June - Year 6 Residential

Monday 24th to Friday 28th June - Science / STEM Week

Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July - Sports Week

Thursday 4th July - Sports Day

Friday 19th July - 13:15 - End of term - No JD Club

Shining a light on... 

House Points this week...

House Points so far this term...

Effort & Progress in Learning Certificates

Congratulations to the children below who received a special certificate on Friday for 'Effort and Progress in Learning'.

Reception - Emma 

Year 1 - Nina

Year 2 - Mariam

Year 3 - Oscar

Year 4 - Linden

Year 5 -  Sebastian

Year 6 - Jack H

All the children that received certificates will be celebrating with Mrs Maxwell over a hot chocolate and marshmallows on Monday.

Above & Beyond 

Week 8:

Angelos, Alex, Orla, Giana, Albie, Ava, Eliza, Juliusz, Max, Harry B, Eddie, Nicole, Minnie, Amber, Mary, Aaryan, Ben, Issy, Victor, Henry, Megan, Louie, Kezia, Lottie, James, Jamie, Sam, Charlie,Henning, Amber, Leo G, Lily, Freya, Conor, Jack H, Rowan

 Weekly Class Attendance

Celebrating a Spectacular Book Week at St. Mary's! 📚🌟

What an incredible Book Week we've had at school, filled with literary delights and imaginative adventures! The festivities kicked off with an engaging performance by a theatre company on the Friday before, setting the stage for an enchanting week of literary exploration.

Monday: 'Dear Earth' Activities

All classes immersed themselves in the captivating book 'Dear Earth,' engaging in various activities inspired by its themes. It was a fantastic start to a week full of creativity and learning.

Tuesday: Poetry Day

Poetry took center stage on Tuesday, allowing our budding poets to express their creativity through words. The school resonated with the rhythm of verses and the joy of poetic expression.

Wednesday: Hot Chocolate & Bedtime Stories

Wednesday brought a cozy atmosphere as students enjoyed hot chocolate while listening to their favourite books. It was a delightful break in the middle of the week, fostering a love for reading.

Thursday: Character Day Extravaganza!

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the vibrant costumes! Thursday was a remarkable day filled with a special rendition of 'The Highway Rat' by Julia Donaldson from staff transformed into woodland characters.  All year groups participated in the Masked Reader challenge, and the day finished with a fantastic Booky Cake Sale – a treat for all book enthusiasts!

Friday: Parent Reading Day and Raffle Winner!

Parents joined in the literary fun on Friday, reading with their children and enhancing the joy of shared stories. The day concluded with the eagerly awaited raffle draw, and congratulations to Savannah in Reception for winning the prize!

A heartfelt thank you to everyone – children, staff, and parents – for making Book Week a resounding success. Your enthusiasm and participation made every activity memorable, fostering a lifelong love for reading in our school community. A special thanks to Miss Paxton for organsing the events!

Until next year's literary adventure! 🎉📖

Sports Triumphs: A Week of Success

Our Year 6 football team achieved remarkable success at the Sports Partnership Football Tournament, bringing home a fantastic 3-1 victory in the final. Their dedication and teamwork paid off, and we couldn't be prouder!

A massive thank you to Mr Jenkins and Mr Pugh who supported the Lions team while Jack was busy refereeing at the tournament. 

In gymnastics, our KS2 team demonstrated incredible skill and grace, securing a fantastic second place at the Three Rivers and Watford School Sports Partnership competition. 

The KS1 team achieved a closely contested fifth-place finish. It's clear that our young athletes are setting the stage for future successes.

Our school choir has been working hard to bring you a special song.

Happy Mother's Day.mp4

James, in Year 6, performed a touching Mother's Day poem at the service on Sunday. His heartfelt words resonated with warmth, and we are incredibly proud of his participation. The service involved the Scouting community. It was heartening to witness many familiar faces from our school among the Scout attendees, adding a sense of unity and community spirit to the occasion.

A Week with Year 5

What a busy and fun week in Y5! The class participated in different World Book Day activities and wrote their own poems and letters based on ‘Dear Earth’ and ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. As always, we continue to prioritise our mental and physical health by taking small breaks in the classroom. Here is us doing yoga! On Tuesday we had the police visit us and we spent the afternoon getting to know our local officers and trying on our new uniforms - more below. Towards the end of the week, we completed a science experiment to investigate friction and how different surfaces create a different amount of friction. We used a force metre to measure accurately and even tried some surfaces outside like mud and grass. Out of all the surfaces we tested, grass caused the most friction! 

Year 5 Embarks on an Exciting Journey with the 'Mini Police' Program

This week was the first session of the 'mini police' program in year 5 where the class met the officers, Ryun and Elaine. They got to know each other, and the children found out what they will be learning in the next couple of weeks and ask questions. Year 5 were so excited when they tried on the police uniforms and were given a special pencil, notebook and activity book. 

🌟 Club of the Week: Reception / Year 1 Art! 🌟

This week we are spotlighting our Reception and Year 1 Art Club. During the Spring Term, a group of enthusiastic Year 6 children have prepared weekly art activities for our youngest children to enjoy. The club members have been exploring different aspects of art using pens, glue, feathers, glitter and scissors. The tables might get a bit messy but the children have a fantastic time.

Exploring Ancient Britain: Year 3's Adventure at Celtic Harmony

Last week, Year 3 embarked on a journey back in time to Ancient Britain with a visit to Celtic Harmony. This immersive experience allowed our children to dive deep into the lives of our ancestors through a variety of hands-on activities. They engaged in prehistoric cooking, using ancient techniques to prepare their meals, and learned the art of shelter building, crafting their own structures with materials found in nature. Additionally, Year 3 had the opportunity to use flint tools. This unforgettable trip not only enriched their understanding of history but also provided valuable lessons in teamwork and survival skills.

Jaiden's Triumph: A Kickstart to Taekwondo Success

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news from the martial arts world! Jaiden has successfully passed his first taekwondo grading, marking a significant achievement in his martial arts journey.


2024 - 2025 Term Dates

Autumn Term

Autumn Term 

Thursday 5th September 2024 - Autumn term starts

Monday 28th October to Friday 3rd November - Half Term

Friday 20th December 2024 - Autumn term finishes

Spring Term

Wednesday 8th January 2025 -  Spring term starts

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February - Half Term

Friday 4th April - Spring term finishes

Summer Term

Thursday 24th April - Summer term starts

Monday 26th to Friday 30th May - Half Term

Friday 18th July - Summer term finishes

Attendance at school is the foundation to a child's future success and happiness. Over the coming weeks, we will be taking a letter from the alphabet, in turn, in order to highlight the importance of being at school and advice for parents and carers.

96%  is the expected minimum attendance for all children at St Mary's.

Below 95%  - We will send you a letter to explain that we are monitoring your child's attendance.

90%  and below is considered 'Persistent Absence'. We will send you a letter. We are expected to discuss your child's attendance with our Local Authority Attendance Officer.

Reading in School

Please keep Wednesday 13th March - 09:00 - 10:00 free to find out why reading fluency is an important aspect for all children to master.


Community News

We would love to hear and share news regarding the activities and accomplishments of our children outside of the school environment, as well as updates on noteworthy contributions or events within our parent body and the broader local community.

Please submit all relevant information to Mrs Palmer at Your contributions will not only serve to highlight the diverse talents within our community but will also contribute to the collective narrative that shapes the identity of St Mary's.

St Mary's Church

Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2024

Click here to find out more.

Two fabulous Dance companies in the local community


We have such an amazing school and are looking at ways to promote ourselves in the wider community.  To do this, we will be developing our use of social media.  Please like our new Facebook page and any posts that you enjoy.
