St Mary's Weekly

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing;  

together shining a light

''While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. "
(Luke 2:6-7)


In yet another bustling week at school, we joyfully witnessed the delightful performances of the Reception and Key Stage One nativities. Our little stars illuminated the stage with their enthusiasm and Christmas spirit.

Adding to the festive cheer, we came together for Christmas Jumper Day in support of 'Save the Children' in which we raised £215.50. It was heartwarming to see the sea of colourful and festive jumpers, all contributing to this wonderful cause. To top it all off, we indulged in a scrumptious Christmas lunch.

As we reflect on these cherished moments, we are reminded of the true meaning of this time of year.  In Collective Worship on Wednesday, Gary explored Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and the subsequent birth of Jesus. We had a moment of silence as we stopped to reflect on the wonder of the Christmas story. Gary encouraged us during Advent to take a moment each day to pause and reflect. Despite the busyness that often accompanies this time of year, there is so much around us to stop and wonder at.

Key Dates

Week 14...

Monday 11th December - Year 3 - rescheduled Ancient Egyptian Day

Monday 11th December -afternoon - Year 5 - Rehearsal at the church for our Christmas service

Tuesday 12th December - evening - All children from Years 3 to 6 performing at our Christmas service at St Mary's Church

Children will need to be at the Church Hall between 5.35pm and 5.45pm and the entrance is to the side of the main Church door. Members of staff will be ready to greet the children. Parents are then invited to take a seat in the Church to enjoy the service. The performance will finish by 7.00pm. No tickets are required to attend the service.

Wednesday 13th December - 2:00 - 4:30pm - Sleeping Beauty Panto at Watersmeet. No JD

Thank you FoSMs for the ice cream during the interval.  Children will need to be collected from the theatre from approximately 4.35pm.  The pick up details are in the link below. No JD Club.

Thursday 14th December - morning - Reception Disco 

Reception can come to school wearing suitable party clothes (so that they can be safe and warm in an outdoor environment).

Friday 15th December - afternoon - Class Christmas parties

Children can come to school wearing suitable party clothes (so that they can be safe and warm in an outdoor environment).  Class reps will provide further details and information will also be on the class blog.

Sunday 17th December - 6.00pm - School choir performing at the Carol Service for St Mary's Church

Children will need to arrive at 5:45 in full school uniform.

Final few days...

Monday 18th December 

We will be learning about Christmas around the World with a special visitor planned for the afternoon.

Tuesday 19th December - 1:10pm - End of Term - No JD

On the last day of term children are invited to dress festively and the school day will end at 1.10pm. 

Start of term...

Thursday 4th January - Normal start to the day.  Please ensure that you have booked school lunch.

Shining a light on... 

House Points

This week

This term

Effort & Progress in Learning Certificates

Congratulations to the children below who received a special certificate on Friday for 'Effort and Progress in Learning'.

Reception - Stella

Year 1 - Darcie 

Year 2 - Dillon

Year 3 - Nicole

Year 4 - Zainab

Year 5 -  Henry

Year 6 - Thomas

All the children that received certificates will be celebrating with Mrs Maxwell over a hot chocolate and marshmallows on Monday this week.

Above & Beyond 

The children below attended Above and Beyond on Friday/Monday with Mrs Maxwell

All of the children from Reception, Year One and Year Two for their outstanding performances of 'Whoops-a-daisy' and 'The Big Little Nativity'.

Daisy, Betty, Sylvie, Lennon, Jeremy, Scarlett, Henry, Archie, Tom, Tilly, Josh, Kalina, Louie, Caoimhe, Dylan, Blake, Leo D

Reception and Key Stage One Nativities

What a week it has been as our little stars from Reception and Key Stage One took centre stage in the most uplifting nativity performances! 🎄✨ Their enthusiasm, creativity, and festive spirit truly lit up our school.

Our youngest stars in Reception dazzled us with their adorable rendition of 'Whoops-a-Daisy Angel.' They brought smiles to the entire school on Monday and then enchanted their parents on Tuesday with their delightful performance.

Continuing the festive celebrations, Key Stage One took the stage with 'The BIG Little Nativity.' On Wednesday, they captivated the school audience. The excitement continued with two special performances for parents—one on Thursday and another on Friday.

A huge round of applause for our talented teachers and staff who worked tirelessly to make these performances truly magical. Thank you for nurturing the creativity and confidence of our young performers.

Take a moment to view this video clip featuring some photographs during the performances and the Key Stage One children singing.
Nativity performances.mp4

Christmas Jumper Day for 'Save the Children' and Christmas lunch

Year 4

Electricity and energy have been the running theme in year 4 this half term. After learning about electricity, what it is, what we use it for and how to build a simple circuit we have applied our knowledge in designing and building a wire-loop game. (These, we will complete this coming week) To accompany this learning, in Geography, we have been researching and finding out about renewable energy in the UK, focusing on wind and solar energy.  

In English we have begun to read and reflect on the story of the ‘Ice Palace’ by Robert Swindells. The class did a great job of creating freeze frames to show what they thought the villagers would do during Summer. They thought of the games the children might play and the jobs that the adults might have. We then used their game ideas to write instructions of how to play them with an ‘Ice Palace’ twist. The children then excitedly published their instructions on the Chrome book, and we complied them to make a class book of them.

Year 2 trip - Cutty Sark

The Year 2's had an amazing trip to the Maritime Museum and the Cutty Sark on Monday. In the morning we investigated the differences between the past and present explorers: Ernest Shackleton and Prem Gill. We looked at a number of artefacts and had to decide and justify our reasoning for which explorer took which item. In the afternoon, we visited the Cutty Sark and spent our time exploring the history of the ship as well as role playing as sailors ourselves. 

Update on Freya and the Little Princess Trust

Congratulations to Freya for smashing her Little Princess donation target by raising an amazing £685.  Freya's act of compassion will undoubtedly make a significant impact on someone's life. Thank you to everyone that supported her.

Christmas Tree

A massive thank you to JJ Dent (father of Reggie in Reception) for donating our fabulous Christmas tree and to Mr and Mrs Mundon-Carter (parents of Florence in Year 2) for the Christmas decorations.  It has filled the school with festive ambiance, bringing a sense of Christmas joy to us all.

Gymnastics Displays

Congratulations to all the gymnasts who participated in the gymnastics display at Harefield Gymnastics and Dance. Your hard work and dedication truly shone through.


Pantomime - Wednesday 13th December

We are looking forward to to the pantomime at Watersmeet Theatre on Wednesday. 

Children are to leave their rucksacks and book bags at home on Wednesday. Children will need their water bottles (and packed lunch boxes if needed).

We would like some additional help escorting the children to the theatre. We will be leaving school at 1pm. If you are able to help us, please let Mrs Palmer know by 9am on Tuesday. Helpers will be needed in school for 12:30pm.

If you are able to escort children to school and are free to help through the performance, we have some limited seats available. Again, please let Mrs Palmer know. It is possible that we will not have seats for everyone and will choose parents across the year groups to suit the needs of the class.

Pick up from Watersmeet

As well as our 194 children, 27 members of staff and additional helpers, there will be numerous other groups of visitors to the theatre. To ensure we can repatriate children with their families easily, we have put the following plan in place.

All children will remain in their seats for a few minutes at the end of the performance to allow others to leave. St Mary's children have seats at the front of the auditorium.  Please remain outside of the auditorium doors.

Year 6 

At 4.35pm, Miss Paxton and Mrs McLeod will escort Year 6 down to the main doors on the ground level and release them. Year 6 parents please let us know if:

a) your child is walking home on their own, 

b) you are meeting them outside of the theatre 

c) meeting you away from the theatre doors (where?)

d) are going home with someone else (who?)

Mrs Palmer will send out a form for you to complete.

All other year groups

School staff (only) will support you as you pick up your child:

At 4.40pm please will all Year 5 parents come up to the auditorium doors.

At 4.45pm please will all Year 4 parents come up to the auditorium doors.

At 4:50 pm please will all year 3 parents come up to the auditorium doors.

At 4.55pm please will all Year 1 and Year 2 parents come up to the auditorium doors.

At 5.00pm please will all Reception parents come up to the auditorium doors. 

Our youngest children will be enjoying games and singing with their staff. The older children get dressed quicker, sit further back than the younger children. Our aim is to keep visibility as clear as it can be.

Key Stage Two Carol Service - Tuesday 12th December

We are looking forward to our Key Stage Two Carol Service on Tuesday evening. Each class and our school choir has been working hard for their upcoming performances.

Children will need to be at the Church Hall between 5.35pm and 5.45pm and the entrance is to the side of the main Church door. Members of staff will be ready to greet the children. Parents are then invited to take a seat in the Church to enjoy the service. The performance will finish by 7.00pm. No tickets are required to attend the service.

Afterschool Clubs

We are wanting to expand our selection of afterschool clubs to provide more opportunities for our children. Please take a moment to fill out the form below to express your interests. This will enable us to explore additional afterschool offerings that align with your preferences. Your input is invaluable, and we appreciate your contribution in shaping our afterschool program. Thank you for taking the time to share your preferences with us.


It's that time of the year again when there is a lot of illness around in the community.   The government expects your child to attend every day that the school is open, unless: 

As a parent it is difficult to know when / when not to keep your child off school due to illness. Please have a read of the documents below to give you some guidance.


Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary's Church

2 December – 3 January, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Have a look at our school Christmas tree for the Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary's Church. 


We have such an amazing school and are looking at ways to promote ourselves in the wider community.  To do this, we will be developing our use of social media.  Please like our new Facebook page and any posts that you enjoy.
