
Here are the spelling lists for week 5 and 6.

w5 t4
re prefix

Have a go at the games below to practice spelling some re- words.

ph/gh as f

Click on the image to the left to learn some 'ph' words while playing a game.

Try this game to see how good you are spotting antonyms.

Try this game for a bit more of a challenge.

Use these lessons from Khan academy to help learn about common and proper nouns.

Here is a game you can player with someone else to test your knowledge of Proper nouns.

Click here to read more about doubling he last consonant when the previous vowel is short.

Con the image above to play a game to check you skills.

Click on these images to play games to learn words with silent letters.

Click on the image to the left to play 'SIlent INvaders.'

abbreviations list

When we add -ly to words ending in -ful then we have double letters




Here is another list filtered by the number of letters in each word.

Words ending in -ful

The suffix –FUL is always spelt with one L, for example:

grate + ful = grateful

faith + ful = faithful

hope + ful = hopeful





beautiful (notice the"y" becomes "i")

Week 3 Term 2

Learning about words with the 'ship' suffix

Essential_Word_Lists copy.pdf

Here's a few more:

  • censorship
  • fellowship
  • friendship


  • horsemanship
  • relationship
  • scholarship

Learning about words ending with -ability

Have a look at this list of words ending with the suffix -ability

Here is another list, find what some of the words mean.

Words ending in ck, ke and k

Words ending in –ck, -k, -ke

Try this spelling test after you've learned about the ck, k or ke rules.


I before E except after C (most of the time).

Have a go at spelling these words.

When do we use 'a' and when do we use 'an?'

Words ending in f

1.If you hear the f in the noun plural just add s. Eg, roof, roofs

2.If you hear v in the noun plural, change the f to v and add es. Eg, self, selves

First of all let's learn about nouns.

Use this website to learn about changing 'f' to 'ves.'

Use this website to practice this weeks spelling rule.

Click on the Wordsearch to find some 'ves' words.

If the letter before the y is a consonant, change the y to i and add es. If the previous letter is a vowel just add s.

Make a list of words that show these rules in your Spelling notebook.

e.g. family - families

When the last consonant gets doubled when adding a suffix.

Here is a list of words that have had the last consonant doubled when a suffix has been added.

Week 3 Term 1 Spelling rule: When 'ing' comes to stay 'e' goes away.

Week 2 Term 1 Spelling Rule: Splitting words into syllables. What's a vowel and consonant?

Now learn to spell some 3 syllable words

Now practice some of the words on the list with a buddy

Complete this sheet by writing the base word then the word after the suffix ing is added. Use your Reading book to record your learning. Make sure you read the information box carefully - it teaches you!

Sometimes Y is also a vowel. Can you find out when it is used as a vowel?

Activity 1:

Copy out the following words into your reading book and clearly show the syllables. e.g. al-pha-bet

  • teacher
  • helicopter
  • racing
  • portable
  • dishwasher

Activity 2: Find words with the following number of syllables.

3 x 1 syllable

3x 2 syllables

3x 3 syllables