Data & Code

Lichen Collection

We are growing a small collection of California lichens from our research activities. Click here to access our Lichen Collection page.


Derived and original data sets from published projects are hosted in public repositories. See links below for specific projects.

  • Coyle, JR and Hurlbert AH. 2016. Data from: Environmental optimality, not heterogeneity, drives regional and local species richness in lichen epiphytes. Dryad Digital Repository
  • Coyle JR, Halliday FW, Lopez BE, Palmquist KA, Wilfahrt PA, Hurlbert AH. 2014. Data from: Using trait and phylogenetic diversity to evaluate the generality of the stress-dominance hypothesis in eastern North American tree communities. Dryad Digital Repository.
  • Coyle JR, Hurlbert AH, White EP. 2013. Data from: Opposing mechanisms drive richness patterns of core and transient bird species. Dryad Digital Repository.

Original data collected during Jes's thesis research are available from KNB. Please inform her if you intend to use these data as a part of a research project and feel free to contact her with questions.

  • Coyle JR. 2016. Lichens and environmental data from Oak tree canopies in two Piedmont Oak-Hickory forests, NC, USA, 2013-2014. KNB Data Repository. DOI: 10.5063/F1BP00QV
  • Coyle JR. 2016. Morphological traits in lichen epiphyte communities and associated data, NC USA, 2012-2014. KNB Data Repository. DOI: 10.5063/F1348H8K


Scripts for analyses from current and past projects are hosted on Jes's GitHub site. Final versions of code for analyses in published research are included in the data repository associated with the publication (see above). Code from active projects is available through GitHub and may not be perfectly commented and can frequently change. If you are interested in re-using any code and have questions or are interested in collaborating on active projects, please email her.

Active Projects

Past Projects