the team

Lijin Zeng

Lijin Zeng

Lijin grew up in Guangzhou, China, and is always passionate about natural sciences. She knew at a young age that she liked chemistry and wanted to understand the science behind the properties of matters. During her high school years, she moved to Berkeley, CA and studied in Berkeley High School where she graduated in 2020. Lijin then joined the Class of 2024 of Mills College and began her journey to pursue a career in science research with an emphasis on chemistry. Transitioning to college, she continued to build on skills in sciences as a member of the 2020 Hellman Summer Science and Math Fellowship. She is drawn to the research conducted in the Chu lab because of her enthusiasm for topics on sustainable energy and materials. In her spare time, Lijin finds inspiration in art. She enjoys anime and audiobooks. Once a while, as a potential digital artist, she does free arts for friends. She also plays the violin. Even though she does not have much time to practice and feels incompetent as a violinist, Lijin is persistent just as always.

Lijin is currently an undergraduate student of Mills at Northeastern University.