Green Chem

"Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. Green chemistry applies across the life cycle of a chemical product, including its design, manufacture, use, and ultimate disposal. Green chemistry is also known as sustainable chemistry." (EPA)


The research that our team conducts is guided by the 12 principles of chemistry. We aim to develop processes that are atom-economical, uses catalysts, employs non-hazardous materials, and reduces environmental pollution. See more about our research in the research page.


Dr. Chu believes that teaching green chemistry and systems thinking is a key aspect of training for the next generation of responsible scientists. These learning goals are infused into the curriculum of Dr. Chu's courses at SMC.

Dr. Chu is a module developer for the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute Green & Sustainable Chemistry Education Module Development Project. This project aims to develop modules for General and Organic Chemistry that teaches green chemistry and systems thinking principles. The learning goals for these modules also align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. A pilot program is currently taking place in General Chemistry 1 CHEM 110 Lecture at SMC.