Mrs. Weinstock's PreK Amazon Wish List: 

This is a great way to contribute to our classroom, and celebrate your little one's birthday!

Welcome to St. Mary Magdalen’s Preschool Program

Our primary goal here at St. Mary Magdalen is to provide an environment that is socially, emotionally, and physically safe for all in our PreK classrooms and the school. 


I hope you had a safe and relaxing summer.  I am very excited about the new school year and getting to know you and your little ones!

Let me begin by telling you a little about myself.  This will be my 22nd year of teaching, and my 4th year at St. Mary Magdalen.  I graduated in 2002 with honors from Cabrini University in Radnor with a dual major in Elementary and Early Childhood Education and have completed several credits toward my Master's Degree in Education.  I grew up in Havertown, attended Catholic school for 17 years, and now live in Drexel Hill, (St. Dorothy’s Parish,) with my husband TJ, 13-year-old son Jake, 11-year-old son Ryan, and our Goldendoodle, Rosie.  I had a wonderful summer, and can't wait to hear all about your child’s summer as well.

Just some things to note before the first day...


During the first few weeks of school, student drop-off for Pre-K students only will be at the Pre-K doors that are to the right of the parking lot.  Parents are asked to walk their son/daughter to the door as the parking lot can be busy with cars. Teachers will be standing at the door to greet your child, help them say their goodbyes, and walk them to their classroom each morning.  Pre-K arrival begins at 7:45 am. School begins at 8:00. If your child arrives after 8:00, they are to go to the main school doors and sign in. An aide will come to get them to walk to their classroom.

When dropping off, please follow the traffic patterns to the back of the school. Park in the parking places and walk your child to the crosswalk. Be mindful of moving traffic in the parking lot. We suggest you hold your child’s hand while moving through the lot. 

After a few weeks, and the students are comfortable with goodbyes and morning routines, PreK will start to enter the door by the gym for morning prayers with the rest of the school. A teacher or teacher's aides will be present to greet them.

Parents/visitors will not be permitted into the building at this time.


Dismissal will be at 2:45 pm each day. Children will be brought to the PreK door at the back of the building. Please park your car, turn it off, walk over to the blacktop and the teacher will release your child to you. If you are not waiting for older siblings, please leave the parking lot with caution. If you are waiting for older siblings, your younger children must stay with you and not be running around on the sidewalk or blacktop. Children may not walk to the car unattended by the adult.

Labeling items with Names

Please label everything and anything that may come to school with your child. Clothing, book bags, water bottles, blankets, lovey, folders, lunch boxes, hats, gloves, etc.


Each child will need:

● a lunch box (if staying for the full day)

● a book bag (that is big enough to hold a lunch box and folder)

● a 15oz to 24oz water bottle

● a small blanket (if staying to sleep; no pillows or sleeping bags please)

Again, please make sure everything is labeled. Children will receive personalized class supplies (crayons, scissors, glue sticks, etc.) in school. These supplies will stay in school and will be replenished when needed.

We kindly ask that each child donate 2 paper towel rolls, 1 tissue box, 2 Lysol or Clorox wipes, and 1 hand sanitizer bottle for the classroom. Thank you!


There will be one dry snack time during the day around 10:00 am. You must send in a dry healthy snack for your child. WE CAN NOT PROVIDE A SNACK TO YOUR CHILD IF HE/SHE DOES NOT HAVE ONE. Children will be able to drink from their water bottles during snack. No juices or milk, please.  

If your child is staying for C.A.R.E.S., you need to pack another snack for that time. 


The children will be eating lunch at 12:00 in the classroom. You must provide a healthy lunch. A  LUNCH CAN NOT BE PROVIDED IF A CHILD DOES NOT HAVE ONE. Please provide a napkin and utensils (no knives) for your child’s lunch. These items cannot be provided to your child at school. Children will eat on a personalized lunch tray provided by the school. This tray will be wiped down after each use and kept in the classroom. PreK students may participate in pizza days (Wednesdays); the pizza lunches are an 8th-grade fundraiser.

St. Mary Magdalen School

2430 North Providence Road

Media, PA 19063

