In a world where you can be anything, be kind.


Hello and welcome to my website! I hope that you will find it a useful tool to assist you. Please also view the menu at top of the page for additional important information. And feel free to reach out to me via email anytime at


One of the very first activities I work on with students I coach is the Happy List. It is a fun and simple gratitude exercise that easily shifts our perspective to all we have instead of what we lack. It is especially powerful when we get the whole family involved. It's as easy as posting a sheet of paper on your fridge or someplace centrally located in your home. Title it "Happy List" and have every family member add the good things they notice in life each day. The items include anything and everything that makes life good! Discuss it together! You will experience a shift to positivity and happiness.

God Bless,

Mrs. Jarecki

"Celebrating spiritual growth while providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment"


St. Mary's is a unique school in many ways. One aspect that sets us apart is that students & staff learn many

virtues to make the world a better place! It is a simple yet powerful foundation of our environment.

Watch Mrs. Jarecki's video regarding the Virtue in December- Good Judgment:


Students, parents & staff work together to make St. Mary's such a wonderful place by the way we treat each other.

"The Promise" details our pledge:

The Promise.docx