Policies and Procedures

Second Grade Policies and Procedures

Attendance:  Students are expected to be in the classroom at 7:45 or they will be marked tardy.  Please be to school on time.  Being tardy is a disruption to the whole class.  Thank you!

Lunch: Please see the link in virtual backpack regarding hot lunch. Every morning I will check that each student either has a cold lunch or has signed up for hot lunch. In the case that a student doesn’t have a cold lunch and isn’t signed up for hot lunch, you will be receiving a phone call from school. 

Take Home Folders:  Students use take home folders for any homework and any notes.  Please check and empty the folders each night.  

Mass:  We have mass on Tuesday’s and Friday’s at 8:00. All are welcome to join us.

Hallway:  The students are expected to walk silently and in a straight line in the hallway.

Bathroom:  Students may use the bathroom at any time with permission from the teacher.

Grading:  Second graders get 3 (secure), 2 (progressing), or 1 (needs improvement) on their work and on report cards. Not all work will be graded.

Homework:  Any paper work needs to be returned the following day, unless specified by the teacher.   Students should expect math homework almost every night. There usually is no homework on Friday’s unless it is a long term assignment. 

Reading Calendars:  Students will be keeping track of how many minutes they read at night.  Minutes should be recorded on the calendar every day.  Minutes are to be added up at the end of each month and handed into the teacher.  If the monthly goal is reached, the students will receive a reward. 

Rules:  All students are expected to follow the rules and use good manners.  The rules are to follow directions, be kind and polite, be honest, be safe, use time wisely, raise your hand, work quietly, and learn and have fun.

Behavior: I am using a Reward Jar as a behavior system this year. If the class gets a compliment from another teacher or has been working well in the classroom, they will earn a star in the jar. Once the jar gets filled up, they will receive their reward. Rewards could be extra recess, a special treat provided by me, a homework pass, etc. If a student continually makes bad choices, he or she will lose recess time, and an email will be sent home. 

Recess and Lunch:  Morning recess is from 9:40-9:55.  Students have lunch recess from 11:20-11:40 and eat from 11:40-12:05.

Snack:  Students will get a snack time around 9:00/9:30 every day.  Students are to bring their own small snack daily. Please send a healthy snack such as fruit, yogurt, pretzels, goldfish, string cheese, carrot sticks, etc. Please, do not send juice.  The students should have a water bottle. 

Notes:  Please send a written note or an email if there is a change in dismissal (bus, walking, picking up, etc.), your child is going home with another student, your child has an appointment, etc. The email should include Jill Nordstrom as well, jnordstrom@stmaryeg.org

Birthdays:  We will be celebrating birthdays!  Students can bring a treat in for the entire class if they wish.  Students who have a summer birthday will celebrate their half birthday. The treat must be a store bought/individually wrapped item. 

Assignment Notebooks: Students will write all assignments in their assignment notebooks everyday except for Friday. Please initial the box after they have completed their assignments each night. If homework isn't completed your child will lose recess time. 

Information/Contact: You can email me at bnavarrette@stmaryeg.org with any questions or concerns.