Saint Mary Parish


A relational ministry bringing teens closer to Jesus Christ.

See Calendar of Events for 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders (Saint Mary School & Religious Education) below. 



The Sacrament of Confirmation is a beautiful encounter with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Over the two year Confirmation prep, you will learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation through doctrine and experience.  Our fervent hope is that while learning about about Jesus and His church, you will come to love and know Jesus personally.  

Adult and teen leaders will journey with you during your preparation.  You will have an opportunity to encounter your faith through small groups, large groups, inspiring talks, discussion, games, team building, retreats, service, music, prayer, food(!), Reconciliation and Mass.  You will be afforded the opportunity to grow in friendship with those around you, as you inspire each other to grow in holiness and discipleship.

Please take a look at the links below to get a better understanding of our preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.   As you have undoubtedly heard before, "You get out of it, what you put into it." The same applies here!  Along with the powerful guidance, direction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the most important part we need is you!  If you have further questions, please feel free to call the Parish Office.

As per the Archdiocese, our preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two year process.  The process typically begins in the 7th grade and leads to the celebration of the Sacrament in the spring of 8th grade.  If you are in high school and have been registered in religious education or catholic school, you may also register at this time.  If you have taken a break from your religious education preparation or are in need of other Sacraments, please call the Religious Education office to get started. 


 Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, 

so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent. 

Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. 

Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfillment the good work 

that You have begun in them. 

As we prepare these children for Confirmation, 

make each of us an instrument of Your love. 

Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others,

 and to be patient with what we do not understand. 

Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. 

We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us. 

Through Christ our Lord, Amen