Mrs. Saavedra's 4th Grade Class

Please check the weekly newsletter every Monday to know what your child will be learning each week and other important information.

Please click here to see a list of upcoming events in March.

This will be updated daily for all homework assigned by Mrs. Saavedra.

Lenten Activities

Service Hours

All 4th graders need to complete 8 service hours by the end of the year. Service hours that were done over summer break 2019 can be used for 4th grade hours.

Our homeroom moms have set up some dates with Feed My Starving Children. Click here for more information and to sign up.

Ch. 9 Angles

Log-in to IXL to practice suggested skills

Go to to print various worksheets to practice!

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Resources

How can we reduce the consumption of energy, reuse products, and recycle materials?